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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. They're prejudiced and/or influenced by dollars. I'm not taking about web apps. I'm talking about high end commercial software that supports vast user populations though intranets, web etc. 95% of paychecks (maybe more) in this country are processed without a single bit passing through a piece of Apple code...just for example. Again, graphic design is an area where Apple has an advantage, but not for most business application.
  2. It really depends on the applications that are being used. I know Apple has some strong applications for graphic design for example. Now, if your talking about scalable commercial software, I can show you teams of programmers that would never allow anything with a piece of fruit on it anywhere near their workspace.
  3. Don't be so sure. I've done over 500 corporate software implementations, some with user populations in 6 figures.
  4. I wound up talking with the regional ODOT garage. They were going to take a look at it. Hopefully, this oil slick was just a one time thing, but I will be watching out for new fracking locations popping up. After a few years of being a squid, followed by 15 years of being a serious rider that was my worst moment on the street.
  5. The best thing Samsung did was make the commercials where they pointed out that iPhones are for your parents. There isn't much of a practical difference between Andriod or iPhone in real world usage. My next phone will a Windows phone if/when my GS2 ever dies.
  6. ^^^ I do the same thing with aluminum foil.
  7. Is it the ZX6R that has the super stupid filter location? Near the top of the motor on the side??!?!
  8. How much does land go for in that part of OH?
  9. Were you one of the two motards that pulled out shortly after our group of 4 pulled in?
  10. I've come to the realization that 80 rwhp is really about all I can actually use on the street. And I tend to ride a more spirited pace than many. The only time you are going to use more than that is in straight line WOT blasts. I dig the feeling of low end tq, but it really doesn't mean much in terms of how quickly you can ride. Tq just changes where you need to keep the RPMs. I can ride my CBR600 (100hp/42lbs) faster than my Buell 1125R (125hp/70lbs). I just need to keep the CBR wound up higher.
  11. If you think a 600cc SS is too slow, you're doing it wrong. But here are numbers for sake of argument (btw, the Kawi is a 636)
  12. If it were me heating a floor, I'd save on the headaches and maintenance and go electric with something like this http://www.thermosoft.com/radiant-floor-heating/TT30-240?gclid=CIe655OL0sACFYZaMgodhDUAJA
  13. Tpoppa


    Didn't it change to TrekRX??!?!
  14. Tubing (installed when the concrete is poured), a circulating pump (Bell & Gosset), and a boiler is really the whole system. Or you can do the old farmer trick and instead of a boiler route the tubing through a giant pile of manure. Really.
  15. Look at the 2010+ Z1000 and Ninja 1000. Both have the same motor & chassis. The Z1000 is naked. The Ninja has wind protection and higher bars. Both are great bikes.
  16. The sporting capability of a VFR800 is pretty close to an S3. The Z1000 and S3 are even closer. 1,500 miles in a day? Is that mostly highway or backroads? I have modified comfortable bikes to be more sporty, and sporty bikes to be more comfortable. I was happier with the latter.
  17. It was tough to regain focus afterward. I couldn't muster any confidence in the front end for the rest of the ride home. Oh, well. I am over it and ready for the next ride.
  18. What kind of riding do you do? The biggest difference going to a dedicated sport bike is the riding position. They aren't highway friendly for long periods. If you are looking for power, similar comfort to the S3, and wind protection...I would suggest a VFR, FZ1, or Ninja 1000 (not the ZX10). Also, you can add windscreens to most naked sport bikes.
  19. Do you know where to find contact info?
  20. Fracking trucks are already beating up some of the SEO roads and dragging gravel onto the corners. The worst part about the oil is that I couldn't see it until it was right in front of me Did it look like any of these? Because that's what it felt like. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzB6KSlD6ec
  21. I had a close call today on 556 due to a patch of oil in the road near the entrance to one of the new fracking sites. The oil was near the exit of a fairly high speed right hand turn. I was leaned pretty far over, getting ready to accelerate out of the corner. I completely lost the front end when I got to the oil. It felt like sliding on ice. Zero traction. A millisecond later I heard the engine rev to red line and spun up the rear tire for probably a full second or 2. The rider behind me said I smoked the rear tire. I thought I was going to low side until the rear gripped and the bike shook back and forth 3-4 times like a typical high side. It stood me up out of the seat and put most of my body weight over the grips. I managed to keep it on 2 wheels and kept it in my lane while wrestling it back under control. I've ridden that corner many times before. I was riding my typical line, had good body position, and was loosely gripping the bars. I've never felt anything like that before. Watch out for those fracking sites.
  22. You are very close to negative rep.
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