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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. The autopsy results that were released showed that Brown didn't show signs of being in a physical struggle. Would the examiner be able to see evidence on his knuckles if he punched the officer so hard he broke his orbital bone? Also, the autopsy showed all shots occured from at least 2-3 feet away (or further). Not sure what that means except that shots were not fired from a range closer that 2-3 feet.
  2. Let's assume it's true that Brown punched the officer in the face and broke his orbital bone, and that Brown was the one the initiated the struggle. Why wouldn't the FPD release that information quickly to attempt to diffuse over a week of rioting and looting? To date FPD hasn't released anything of the sort. If there were 12 eye witnesses that could confirm the officers story wouldn't at least one of them had granted an interview with national news by now? It's not like they are sworn to secrecy. The large news networks will pay a good sum of money for an exclusive interview on a story that has national attention. There must be more details somewhere, but these don't exactly add up. I did hear the woman that called into the radio station, but that was a 3rd person account. She said she wasn't a witness and was repeating what she was told.
  3. The rioting is way beyond stupid.
  4. There is an Economy setting that make the 1.8 feel pretty weak. When that is turned off it has enough power for my needs. My driving fun happens on 2 wheels. YMMV.
  5. There is also 2.0. We bought a new 2013 1.8. The reasons were the mpg and total cost of owning. Elantras require little scheduled maintenance compared to others, which the gf liked alot. 40k on it now. I would do it again.
  6. 38 MPG = gutless, but that's what motorcycles are for
  7. I had a Cruze for a rental car a few weeks ago. I though it felt like driving a go cart. My GF has an Elantra, same size as the Cruze outside, but much more room inside. I think the Elantra or Focus is going to be the best new car for $20K.
  8. If this were to go to trail, this is what it will come down to. The more confusion about facts, conflicting stories, and ability to reduce credibility of witnesses will ultimately favor the officer. Juries overwhelmingly believe police officers, even though cops lying under oath has been well documented. There is going to be lingering tension in Ferguson regardless of what happens. It's going to be difficult to live there or to be a police officer there.
  9. http://www.cnn.com/2014/08/18/us/missouri-teen-shooting/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 The autopsy could support witnesses' suggestions that Brown was holding his hands up in the air, said Shawn Purcell, who assisted in the autopsy. But other scenarios are possible, said Dr. Michael Baden, who supervised the inquiry. But nothing in the autopsy suggested that Brown had engaged in a struggle, Baden said. Police have said that Brown reached into Officer Darren Wilson's car in a tussle over his gun. The experts said they will need to examine the original autopsy conducted by officials before they can make final conclusions
  10. I was in the Marines and do know a tiny little bit about firearms, but thanks for clarifying.
  11. I am having trouble picturing that kill shot occurred with Brown charging the officer. He was already shot 5 times, with one of those being to the eye socket. I won't speculate on what angles of shots mean. I'm sure the forensic experts will address it further.
  12. It is getting more confusing. He's 6'4," if the shot that hit him on the top of the head exited toward the front of his face, wouldn't that mean that he was facing the officer in a position like kneeling with his head bent forward?
  13. One of my all time favorites. If you haven't ridden it, you should. So were road conditions decent overall? I haven't been able to get too deep into WV yet this year. The only WV roads I have ridden were in pretty crappy shape.
  14. Keep in mind that police officers are well schooled on what need to be said to make a shooting sound justified. In addition to the autopsy done by the state, there will also be on performed by a federal examiner. I expect that will answer many questions. On a different note, they are now brining in the National Guard to deal with rioters.
  15. There's lots to choose from.
  16. Great, bring it on some SEO rides.
  17. That was the exact idea with my CBR. After Helibars and a Ventura Rack, it's now the sportiest sport tourer I have ever ridden.
  18. I posted the unedited version of that video earlier in this thread.
  19. The Helibar install on the CBR was a pain. The clearances were very tight. It was worth it though.
  20. That is a reallllllllllllllly loooooooong reach to try to make it sound like the officer acted in self defense. How about this...if the officer was within reach, it would only be because he was chasing Brown with his gun drawn and firing. That is a case of the officer escalating the situation with Brown attempting to retreat after he was allegedly already shot either once or twice. Hands up with one or two bullets in him is not what I consider a threat. Also, Brown was shot in the face multiple times, which were the final shots fired according to eye witnesses. Have you ever heard of police officers or even military being trained to shoot in the face rather than center mass?
  21. Not when the person surrenders. That is the end of the engagement, no matter what happened prior. FPD chief has already stated multiple times that they don't use cameras. If there was dashcam footage that supported the officers claim, it would have already been released at the same time as the store footage. If there was dashcam footage that supported the witnesses claims it would have been burned by now.
  22. The body was laying 30-35 feet from the vehicle face down in the road. The vehicle is where the officer alleges there was a struggle. That is also a very close match to eye witness accounts.
  23. I appreciate your counter point, but I think you are putting too much stock in the "benefit of the doubt" when there are key items that are not in doubt. There are undeniable facts. 1. An 18 year old unarmed kid is dead at the hands of the FPD. 2. There are multiple eye witness accounts that agree that the kid was retreating and then trying to surrender when he was shot and killed. 3. Tear gas was shot at reporters by the FPD to prevent filming. Reporters were arrested to also prevent filming. That kind of shit happens in Iran & Syria, not in the US. 4. The Missouri Governor relieved the FPD of their duty in handling the riot that they played a large part in instigating. When is the last time you remember that happening on American soil? All signs point to a police department run amok. They clearly did not want outside involvement or attention from the press. Now they're under the national microscope. Did you watch the statement from the police chief about the robbery not being connected? Those were not the words of a confident man that believes the situation was handled properly.
  24. Fair enough. But my point was that this encounter and subsequent shooting and death escalated from of some kind of illegal walking practice. They may be more detail forthcoming. Edit: Watch this. The chief seems pretty nervous. http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/crime/2014/08/15/bts-ferguson-police-chief-security-footage.cnn.html
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