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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Tpoppa

    Work Boots

    I get a lot of work done in these
  2. Tpoppa

    Work Boots

    It depends on how heavy duty you need. Does your company pay a work boot allowance? Some do.
  3. Tpoppa

    Work Boots

    Redwings are expensive but worth it. Carhartt boots are good quality for the $$.
  4. We'll need a sweep for this ride. Any volunteers? I'll post a route as soon as I find some time. I am on vacation today. Sent from my office.
  5. The thing I find the most disturbing is when crazy people don't know they're crazy. You shouldn't turn your back on that kind of crazy.
  6. Another US road racing series? http://www.riderfiles.com/dornas-top-secret-plan-for-road-racing-in-america/
  7. We actualy did an intervention. My friend checked into a hospital and agreed to go into inpatient rehab. When it was time to actully go into rehab he refused. He is literally drinking himselft to death. Drinking at least a bottle of vodka a day, not eating, lost like 40lbs in 3 months, etc. He's a good guy and a good friend, but he's going down an awful path and has no control. It's ugly.
  8. I'm tryin' real hard to be the shepherd.
  9. How did you approach it? Did it work? What was the outcome?
  10. Let's say I took your lunch money, but denied doing it. Does that make me weak...no. More of a bully and a liar. see 3:48-4:02
  11. I don't agree with Putin's actions but he isn't weak. How is forcing what he wanted to happen in the face of the entire international community, including the US, weak? Who showed more weakness in that situation...Putin or Obama? Shall we take a vote?
  12. Does Supercross have that much of a bigger fan base? Beause that shit is always on TV.
  13. +1000 I was supposed to be on vacation this week. Sent from my office
  14. Me too. I've been trying to fit 20 lbs of crap into a 10 lb bag. There just aren't enough hours in the day or days in the week.
  15. I will not be able to make it for a few reasons. Have fun.
  16. I'd like to believe that most Americans are above that childish crap. Unfortunately some are not, and those seem to overwhelmingly be the ones that pursue careers as lobbyists & politicians. They drag us all through the mud
  17. Please dont hang your bike from the garage door track. But if you do at least film it :-(
  18. I would agree that there is nothing admirable about any kind of lobbying that takes place in DC. I would love to see laws enacted to eliminate lobbying and groups who only exist to attempt to influence politicians. But I'm not going to hold my breath. In the mean time, if one side plays dirty and one side doesn't, the dirty side wins every time. Pick which side of the issue you are on, and those dirty bastards are your friends.
  19. I've had my Accu-Gage for 20 years. Accurate and costs about 20 bucks
  20. Let's say the NRA took the high road and stuck to more pertinent facts and kept the politicking and rhetoric to a minimum in the face of the fear mongering left that will literally say anything to advance gun control and ban firearms...what do you think the outcome would be??? There would be 100 times more criticism of the NRA for not doing enough to preserve the 2nd Amendment. When it comes to maintaining rights of gun owners, the NRA is your friend...your only friend.
  21. If it wasn't for the NRA all your guns would have been confiscated long ago.
  22. EBR should abandon their dismal WSBK effort and push for a WERA Pro spec series.
  23. I hope all the top riders leave AMA and go to WERA pro & Ulrich's series.
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