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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I have read that at a National level there is no shortage of food. But local shortages can occur due to people stock piling. It will level off. Food is still being manufactured. Lots of companies that were making food for restaurants will have capacity to service retail...if necessary. I've been to 3 stores in the last 2 weeks as recently as Monday. Plenty of food was on the selves. The only things that were out of stock were things like hand sanitizer and Lysol wipes.
  2. The current buzzword against remote employees is "collaboration." It's nonsense. In a closed door meeting, the CEO of my last company (ADP 50,000 employees) literally said to his inner circle exec douchebags that they were moving away from remote EEs because they wanted to move away from the older, higher paid (many remote) employees and hire more young, low-wage millennials...but millennials don't have the same work ethic and cant be trusted to work from home. Shortly after a "Voluntary" early retirement package to everyone over a certain age. Most took it, many of those that didn't were laid off within the next 6 months.
  3. After all this passes. I wonder if working from home will become more common. Some companies have had much success with remote employees, others are reluctant to give employees a remote option. The trend has been up and down. I've worked from home for the past 15 years and would prefer to never work in an office again.
  4. I'll bet bars would be willing to sell some of their on hand stock at retail prices, or even distributors. I seem to always have an absurd amount of bourbon on hand
  5. Unless there is a favorable location to "ride" this out for the next 2 or 3 months, I'd look at flights before you can't
  6. How do you reconcile those estimates against data coming out of countries like China and South Korea where spread already appears to be leveling off? It's easy to question the reliability of data from China, but South Korea is likely more trustworthy.
  7. I decided to pivot my for sale add.
  8. I agree with a lot of that Nivin. As a physician there are perspectives you should support to be the best physician you can be. My ex wife is a physician. I was/am friends with many from her med school class. My opinion on coronavirus makes me a level headed-non panicking-big picture thinking American, but not appropriate for someone who is responsible for treating people that need help.
  9. I think the government actions like travel bans and limiting gathering sizes are justified. The point is containment...incremental, half measures would be pointless. The over-prepared-ness and panic is absolutely causing significant economic collateral damage. I am not worried about corporate America, it s very likely that the stock market will bounce back. OTOH, many small businesses (restaurants, bars, shops, barbers, etc ) and people living paycheck to paycheck will not bounce back. Businesses will be shuttered and houses will be foreclosed over this panic. That will ripple through our economy for years and have a greater effect than the virus itself. Panic and herd mentality over 6 thousanths of a percent will have a lasting impact on large swaths of the population.
  10. ...and if your assumption is true that there really are more cases than known or reported that would mean the percentage of fatalities is even lower. Because fatalities can be more easily counted, correct? IE...if there were twice the cases; the fatality rate is cut in half.
  11. I agree that there could be more cases than reported. I disagree with your conclusion about mortality rates. Even if you doubled the cases in China that still 12-thousanths of a single percent in 3 months. I'll be very surprised of cases spread in the US at the same rate as what was 'reported' in China.
  12. Just a bit of perspective.... China's population is approx 1.4 Billion. In 3 months, there have about 81,000 cases which equates to 0.006% of the Chinese Population (1% of China's population would be 14,000,000) US population is about 327 Million. About 1,300 cases in the US which equates to 0.0004% of the US Population (1% of the US population would be 3.2 million). That's cases not deaths. Reason to be concerned...absolutely. Reason to lose your fucking minds and cause an economic meltdown...absolutely fucking not. Feel free to check my math. Probably the most accurate data source available: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html?fbclid=IwAR2B5QOYzmsIVK8KjrziR6idZgbXNFqT1xkUb2NtUD9a1gcWYpk4FJ_BmuY
  13. Well they did report about 3000 deaths. That would fill a few vans. But yeah, accurate data out of China was an issue long before this.
  14. My company (based in LA) is allowing everyone to work from home. About 20% of us (including me) already work from home.
  15. By percentages, COVID 19 has a higher likelihood of being fatal. Obviously, there are many more people that have the flu.
  16. As of now, there have been about 81,000 cases in China, about 63,000 of those have recovered. The occurrence of newly reported cases in China is slowing. Containment measures in China appear to be having a positive effect. We have lower population density than China and access to better medical care. We also have access to more information than China had when things started in December. https://theconversation.com/coronavirus-ten-reasons-why-you-ought-not-to-panic-132941?utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR3OFNdf9jzhgIjODwFuFKUr1YDWJxmEWXYlJSN6u3Q9jndwcWYkoTvXRVQ
  17. Some of the new Ninja KRT models have Green/Gray decals. Something like that might tie it together.
  18. We decided? My best interest?
  19. Never saw anything like that in any of the reviews. One of the things that stood out to me was how planted it feels. The Dynamic Suspension does take a bit of the road feel away though. Like some road imperfections get absorbed before you can feel them.
  20. Riding wouldn't be an issue. Maybe stopping though. Keep that in mind if you go off road. Plan your lines around dips and low spots.
  21. He was already blazing fast. The cigarette was just rubbing it in your face 🤣 Great guy. Passed years ago, unfortunately, due to a heart issue 😔
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