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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Part of that is plain ole' stupidity, but the other part is HD marketing. They convince people that if they spend enough they can turn their modern antique into a performance machine. And they can prove this with all the 'real' 100hp+ dyno charts on the wall by the service department. When I bought my Buell 1125R the sales guy referred to it a beginner bike, and someday I could step up to a big twin (I'm sure that was the sales pitch straight from HD corporate). I asked him how 130hp and less than 400lbs was for beginners and how 65hp and 750+ lbs was a 'step up.' His answer had something to do with big displacement. It's what they're supposed to say.
  2. I doubt it will be big and heavy. I am guessing under 500 lbs wet, which would be lighter and more hp than a VFR800.
  3. Tpoppa


    Mystery solved!
  4. ^^ Every once in a while I need to remind my brother that a 'fast Harley' is only fast when compared to a stock Harley. He bought a built Harley with thousands in go fast parts. The guy who built it said it was a 10 second bike. He was convinced it could beat my Buell 1125R. It couldn't
  5. http://blog.motorcycle.com/2014/03/05/motorcycle-news/larry-pegrams-ebr-1190rx-ama-race-livery-looks-sharp/
  6. That's actually a pretty good looking motorcycle for it's day.
  7. I would expect a bike making that kind of power to sound meaner
  8. I am curious to see how he does. He should do better that May and Yates that rode EBRs last year.
  9. Union or not, companies have to be lean these days just to remain in business. Companies exist to make money. 15-20% profit isn't all that high. It sounds like your dept was under utilized and it was targeted for layoffs. That sucks. But feeling entitled to relax on the clock sucks too. If I was you I would try to transfer into the busiest dept at your company. I did exactly that 2 years ago. Staying busy and making money for your company = job security in 2014.
  10. These days every company is squeezed to cut costs. If there wasn't enough work to stay busy all day, I sure wouldn't advertise it by hanging out in a break room. It makes for an obvious target when it's time for layoffs. If the workforce for a particular department is busy only 75% of the time, to the beancounters, that means they can reduce the workers by 25% with little to no impact to operations. That's Business 101.
  11. ^^ I have to agree with the bot on that one. I don't have any sympathy for not being allowed to relax on the clock. Sorry.
  12. http://www.pegramracing.com/ I missed this one. I thought he was still racing the R1.
  13. How does the build quality and accuracy of these compare to something like a Ruger SR22?
  14. I think people tend to over maintain bikes period. I think a 3,000 street miles for oil changes is over maintaining, but I think an interval of 3,000 track miles would be too infrequent. Which was the original point...track bikes are typically ridden harder. Not exactly sure why this is up for debate.
  15. ...and why does a track bike need oil changed every 2-4 days it's ridden?
  16. Seriously? Track bikes get 10 times more abuse...spend way more time at higher rpm...hard braking...rims get dinged up with more frequent tire changes...parts are swapped on and off. Ive never seen a bike with 30k track miles that looked new.
  17. The bars could be after market. Is it a triumph speed twin?
  18. The 1125R was raced in DSB and AMA Superbike. There were 2 different states of tune that fit the rules for each class. I believe that was also true for the Aprilia RSV1000. The torque curve was very flat. From the butt dyno, it pulled like a freight train from under 4k. There is power across the whole rev range. The motor on my CBR is docile by comparison. If memory serves, I believe the 1125 won 1 or 2 NHRA Drag Racing Championships.
  19. Buell 1125s handle wonderfully and they feel like real Superbikes. I had an 1125R. They had a few out of the box issues, which were easily resolved...except for the stator. HD issued a "fix" which prevents the stator from cooking itself, but can leave the bike starved for power in some situations, like long periods of idling in hot weather (think rush hour traffic). There are a few options to fix the stator, but they can get expensive. In 15,000 miles the stator never left me on the side of the road, but it was always in the back of my mind.
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