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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. If yer lucky I'll show you my purple helmet.
  2. Even with all that dust on it ?
  3. So...are you still missing that Harley?
  4. I wonder how many times those girls wished him dead.
  5. But what if the identity thief figures out how to intercept the birthday cookies? Wut Now?
  6. Tpoppa

    Ft: 06 Vfr

    I've got a 5 dollar bill that I would like to trade for a 10 or 20 dollar bill. Low ballers will be ignored.
  7. Must be super secret supporter posts.
  8. It's not like there was any thought of him being rehabilitated (if that's still a goal of the prison system). In this case dead is better.
  9. The gene pool is slightly cleaner than it was yesterday.
  10. http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/04/justice/ariel-castro-cleveland-kidnapper-death/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
  11. Reminds me of the Rolls Royce kits for VW beetles in the 70s
  12. Was that your instinct, or the opposite?
  13. Yes...way too close. Next time I'm swapping a motor, I'll take time to reflect on your spaghetti wiring
  14. I not trying to kill 'Independent George,' I mas merely offering some advice to sooth you wounded soul.
  15. Remember when George Costanza did everything the opposite of his instincts and life finally started working out for him? Perhaps you should adopt the same philosophy when it comes to expressing you thoughts on politics, guns, world affairs, and even how to wire a dune buggy.
  16. You think the government still follows the will of the people. That's adorable!
  17. I don't think that outdated criteria for selecting vendors for gub'ment contracts is the same as capitalism.
  18. It's been debated other places than this. There are advanced road materials that are very durable like rubberized asphalt. They are not widely used. I am not in that industry, I know a few who are. Those who award road contracts do no have a reason to insist on better materials. Also, If you use better materials, roads need repaired less often, and road contruction companies get less work...or at least that's what I've heard.
  19. For a starting point, I would use what's recommended in your bike's manual--not the max pressure of the tire. You can adjust for personal preference from there. Do you want max grip? Max tire life? Or somewhere in the middle? For my Suzuki I use 32f/34r, on the Honda 33f/35r. http://www.sportrider.com/tech/tires/146_0206_motorcycle_tire_pressure/
  20. Tpoppa

    Ft: 06 Vfr

    Good luck with that.
  21. Seems like it would be fun at first, then collect dust.
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