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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I use a professional accountant. He charges what a professional accountant would charge. Bigger refunds + sound tax advice = money well spent.
  2. ...OBAMA. Just like everyone else with no paycheck.
  3. I got a SR22 a couple months ago. Great shooter, feeds anything. I saw a stainless 22/45 in a shop yesterday for a good price.
  4. Assuming a NK rocket had the capabilites to reach the US, what would be the point? It could never get past our missle defense system. The US military response would be harsh. I would not be surprised if Kim-Jong-whoever meets a sudden demise after making such a ludicrous statement.
  5. ^^ It's a multi billion $ industry with a price fixed labor market set right at $0. You get credit that you can only spend at the company store. Free market or antitrust?
  6. South Park explains everything http://www.southparkstudios.com/full-episodes/s15e05-crack-baby-athletic-association
  7. Early Americans were rough, tough risk takers. They had to be to leave their established country and try to carve out a life in an untamed land all in search of Freedom from over-controlling federal governments (you know like one we have today.) That was the famed American Spirit that made us a super power and the world leader for damn near anything that mattered. Today, we are a bunch of seat-belt-wearing-sissies & the American Spirit is a commercial for Chevy trucks.
  8. The owner at Stonewall is also an asshole. I don't support their business. Unrelated to being assholes, their prices are the highest in town. Stonewall was the closest range until I moved. I would drive further to go to B&T.
  9. If anything...gun restrictions could potentially lead to civil unrest. But most Americans are too complacent and too detached from our own history to understand the consequenses of letting the very freedoms slip away that early Americans were willing to die for. Everyone should believe this: "This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it." ― Abraham Lincoln
  10. The guys at Stonewall have consistently been assholes the handful of time I have been there. So, I refuse to support their business. B&T in Lorain is a good indoor range. AA in Parkman is a good outdoor range.
  11. The ignorance is strong in this one. The 1st Amendment doesn't only apply to the Gutenberg printing press. And by the way, multishot firearms have been around since the 1500's. The Continental Congress had a design for a 20 shot 'automatic' gun in 1777, the Bill of Rights was proposed 1789.
  12. Is it programmable with different time zones? If so, you you need to program all the time zones to 70 degrees or it will revert back to the programmed temp.
  13. I was not aware that a CBR1000RR shock would fit on a 919. I'm not saying it won't fit, but that wasn't a known option when I was looking into it. Those 1000RR shocks have onboad (rather than remote) resevoirs. Not an issue as long as you have enough clearance. You would also need to verify the eye to eye length is compatible along with the spring rate...
  14. Those descriptions pretty much match my impression of the 02 919. The shock was oversprung and underdamped. The forks are underdamped and undersprung. It gave the bike an unbalanced feeling. Under moderarte braking the forks would dive and unload the rear end. Just barely touch the rear brake and at would break loose and want to swing around from side to side. The forks were the real problem, the rear shock compounded it. It was a parts bin bike. Honda built it from existing parts off the shelf. Just like the point of the Honda 599 was to burn through CBR600F3 replacement parts. It was a good bike for commuting and riding at a relaxed pace. The motor is absolutely fantastic. The suspension just didn't like spirted cornering or braking. As mentioned above, I swapped the stock shock for an 07 919 shock. I also installed 10mm longer spacers in the forks (old school/hillbilly preload adjustment). It was better, not great but better. Next, I was going to upgrade to the F3 shock and add stiffer fork springs and thicker fork oil. Next after that would have been Racetech Emulators. It would have been about $200, $350 with the Emulators. I think that would have been a night/day difference in the handling. But, I got a deal on another bike and wound up selling the 919 before I got that far with the suspension mods.
  15. If I were updating the suspension on an 02 919...I would do the F3 shock or a shock from an 07. The 02 forks are undersprung and underdamped and would benefit from heavier fork oil and stiffer springs. That would.be the most bang for your buck. You could spend more, but before I got anything from Ohlins or Penske I would look at another bike with better stock suspension.
  16. Ah...the Honda 919. Fatastic motor, the suspension was...well not fantastic. The 02-04 919 shock was a pogo stick. IMO, it was poorly matched to the fork springs and created some 'interesting' handling characteristics. The 05-07 919 shock has different spring/valving and is an improvement. I replaced the shock on my 02 919 with one from an 07. It's a direct swap. It was better...still not great, but better. A shock from a CBR600F3 will fit (F4/F4i shocks are too long). The F3 shock is fully adjustable, I believe it is 2 or 3 mm longer. I bougt an F3 shock, but sold the 919 before I got around to indstalling it. If you want it, I'll give you a deal on a clean shock from a '98 CBRF3 and a Honda 919 OEM service manual.
  17. sure, you can prepay gas on the next SEO ride
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