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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I have a pair of US made RWs. Well worth the $$s.
  2. How many mags? How much for this and the Savage...and I couldn't find Zombieland on Google maps.
  3. If you're going for bad ass, this seems like the obvious choice.
  4. This. There was also a xb9sl with the same seat height.
  5. I've come to the realization that the Suzuki 650 twin is one of the finest motors to ever be bolted onto 2 wheels. Seriously.
  6. I had a 2000 Nissan Frontier V6 4x4 that I bought new. NO issues for 7 years of ownership. $8k for a 160k Colorado is a crappy deal.
  7. The Buell brake rotor is mounted to the rim not the hub. Completely different
  8. neat bike. it must be uber flickable.
  9. I used 5wt Amsoil Synthetic. I would guess any 5wt would be about the same.
  10. Tpoppa

    Harlem Shake

    I think it's a good thing that I have no idea what this thread is about.
  11. Ahh...someone who can relate to my motorcycle buying ADD
  12. I've always been a believer that spending habits are a bigger factor than income in the ability to live comfortably. Needs and wants are completely different things. It drives me absolutely crazy when people get in the habit of spending money everyday on unnecessary things like energy drinks, pop, coffee, cigarettes, & lottery tickets. I cut most of that BS out years ago and used the $$ to pay off a 30 year mortgage way early. And that didn't even interfere with my motorcycle buying ADD. Living within your means (whatever yours are), with a cushion is they key to living comfortably. I've known many people that earn well into six figures that live paycheck to paycheck. I also know people with a nice nest egg that earn much less. Remember NFL players getting loans to survive the lockout? There is no excuse for earning that kind of money and not having a financial cushion http://www.businessinsider.com/nfl-players-high-interest-loans-2011-4 Spending everything you earn is a terrible habit, regardless of income. Living off credit (spending money you haven't earned yet) is even worse. My rule has always been to have 6 months of TOTAL living expenses in a savings account then put money into 401k until it hurts. If you have a 6 month cushion you can handle just about any financial interuption that comes your way.
  13. Geoff May and Aaron Yates on the factory bikes. Blake Young was also in the running for the bike that went to Yates. http://www.sportrider.com/news/146_13010_aaron_yates_signs_with_erik_buell_racing_for_2013_ama_superbike/viewall.html Cory West and Dustin Dominguez to ride for RSRacecraft. http://roadracingworld.com/news/article/?article=50694 This should make Superbike more interesting this year. Hopefully it will be televised.
  14. It's a combination of competition and great marketing. The NBA does a great job of marketing player's personalities, much more so than the NFL or MLB.
  15. I have no complaints with my degree or career path, but "if I knew then what I know now" I would be pharmacist. Good $$, lots of jobs, flexible schedules, & low stress.
  16. You could make the same arguement about NBA basketball. Which also generates alot of $$
  17. Cool. That's pretty much the exact same concept I had for my '09 Suzuki Gladius upgrades. GSXR Shock, Ricor Intiminators, lower cut down superbike bars, Arrow exhaust, etc. It turned a docile beginner bike into a worthy corner carver. Oh, and let me know when it's for sale...
  18. I think the current crop of kids graduating from high school are generally less motivated and less prepared to make it on their own at age 18 than people from my era. There are plenty of monetary factors involved...poor job martket, high tuition costs, inflation, etc. But, I think the recent culture shift towards things like bicycle helmets and not keeping score in youth sports is well intentioned, but has ultimately retarded character development and weakened the spirit of our young.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS66kLH6l14
  20. The short answer is that the races are almost always close. With 5 laps left the winner is still in doubt & lots drivers still have a chance at 1st place. The fans of those drivers still think their guy can win. Would you rather see Mladin lap the field of Eslick beat up Herrin for 20 laps? It takes more skill to ride a Superbike, F1 cars are faster, but NASCAR rules make the races close...restrictor plates...aerodynamic limits, cautions that bunch up the field, etc.
  21. Does this deserve it's own thread? Yes! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHwNee3WrC4
  22. The AMA's problem is they are not creative at marketing their product. NASCAR is a marketing machine. They pull sponsors and dollars from every possible angle. If you've never seen a NASCAR race, I bet you could still recognize Jeff Gordon or Earnhardt Jr. Very few non-AMA fans have ever heard the names Josh Hayes or Danny Eslick.
  23. Then the AMA should get smart and create a reality show about young riders trying to qualify for a sponsored ride. UFC blew up after TUF. Sure there was a fan base before TUF, but UFC's revenue & ratings exploded after TUF.
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