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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I'll play if the weather cooperates.
  2. I have been kinda looking for 40 cal Glock. Not sure if I want to give up my 9c though. Btw, the 9c has surprising accuracy for a small 9.
  3. What is the condition and approx round count?
  4. Tpoppa

    22LR Rounds

    I really don't understand the ammo panic buying. There isn't enough support for a weapons ban in the first place. And if there was, no one is proposing an ammo ban. I keep a small supply of ammo on hand for target shooting and that's about it. Stocking up when prices are high is...well, kinda stupid. Supply and demand has two sides. After all this panic nonsense comes to an end and manufacturers catch up, prices are going to drop hard.
  5. Tpoppa

    22LR Rounds

    This ammo panic buying and price gouging is keeping me from going ot the range as often as I'd like to
  6. The only bike I ever crashed was a cruiser...a 1999 Honda Magna 750 V4. Sporty by cruiser standards. I was trying to ride it like a sportbike. I was pushing it through corners well beyond what it was designed to do. The suspension couldn't handle it. I lost traction and lowsided. The last cruiser I owned was a moderately customized Triumph Bonneville America. Cool bike, but it was way more fun to look at than to actually ride I've ridden a few since, but they don't seem to hold my interest vey long. Sport standards seem to be the best compromise of sport and comfort for long days of riding. At least for me.
  7. That seems like a completely reasonable solution to getting rid of slightly used wives, property, and vehicles. It's a very progressive model that was obviously designed by highly intelligent people. Only the most astute individuals would be likely to follow such a brilliant plan. I can't think of any improvements with the possible exception of adding large amounts of body odor.
  8. It's really awesome that a grown man would voluntarily let another grown man decide what kind of motorcycle he is allowed to ride then, if necessarcy, punish him by taking that motorcycle away. That's totally cool and super bad ass.
  9. I'm gonna have to call shenanigans. There are no elitists in Elyria.
  10. In all seriousness...as long as you don't interfere with my riding, I really don't care how you ride. Different people are attracted to motorcycles for different reasons. That's OK. I'll bash HD riders or squids for comedy value, but deep down I genuinely don't give a rats ass. What's the point of this thread again?
  11. ^^ I wonder if they ride with a cute VW Beetle for a support vehicle.
  12. I like this Accu Gage for motorcycle tires. It fits into tight spaces and is accurate. I think they go for $15 at Advance Auto
  13. On http://www.amaproracing.com/rr/ they still show Speed covering all the races. Is the website just out of date?
  14. Ride faster...get to the gas stops sooner
  15. Weber is worth the extra money. Very good build quality and very even cooking temps. Propane refills are $20, no point in running a gas line.
  16. With the electoral college, the only votes for president that actually matter are votes in swing states. Under the current system....if you are a republican living in CA, or a democrat living in TX (or any other non-swing state), your vote for president is absolutely meaningless.
  17. I'll just leave this here for quick reference http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=101984&page=2
  18. This is the most divided I have ever felt the county has been during my lifetime. The poeple and government seem more divided now then they were under Bush Jr, Clinton, Bush Sr, Reagan or Carter (I was alive during the Ford administration, but was too young to remember). I think one of the key characteristics of a great leader is the ability to bring people together, and I think Obama has done just the opposite. Obama is certainly not the entire problem, but his actions don't seem to indicate that he really knows how to gain any bipartisan support. Thoughts?
  19. Tpoppa

    walking dead

    How about a sweet island off the coast.
  20. Yes. Totally obsolete.
  21. Where do I submit my vote of 'No Confidence' for both the president and congress?
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