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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Military weapons training is 1000 times better than what is covered in a 1 day CCW class. While the hands on weapons part was pretty basic, I actually got something out of the CCW class. I thought reviewing the relevant laws and discussing those type of scenarios was time well spent.
  2. I had a P229 years ago. It was a high quality pistol for sure. I just didn't like shooting it. Sig fit/finish is excellent, and it never jammed. Just holding it in your hand it oozed build quality. But, the bore sits high on the frame & it tends to flip more and take longer to get back on target for follow up shots then something like a Glock, M&P, or XD. The only other 9mm I had at that time was a 'lowly' S&W Sigma. I was consistenly more accurate with the Sigma than the 229 in slow and rapid fire drills. No one was more surprised than me. I wound up selling that 229 after about 500 rounds (still have that lowly Sigma). btw, IMO FN's are fantastic pistols.
  3. Much streaming media technology is due to the porn industry. Of course no one watches it though;)
  4. I am former USMC, I understand the Guard sentiment to a degree. If Barry EO'd a requirement that all gun owners register their firearms or you are now in criminal violation of federal law (has actually been discussed) I think many people would make their 'lack of support' known. ...a lot of if's for sure...
  5. When I say Nat'l Guard involved. I don't mean anything like shooting. I mean dispatched to control protests that could protentially get heated. There are many parts of the country that are way more gun oriented than Ohio. Many people are already very unhappy with the Federal Gov't, this could be the straw...
  6. Let's assume Barry implements some meaningful gun control measures via Executive Order, bypassing the legislative process. I predict that would cause civil unrest in many areas across the country. There would be many protests and the Nat'l Guard would become involved.
  7. Tpoppa


    Yep. There are lots of good ones. I had good results with http://www.ccrrefinishing.com/pictures.html
  8. You better not be insinuating that she 'shakes it' to get attention or this entire thread will implode into a black hole and kill us all
  9. Again, I never said jealous. Example: Woman wearing revealing clothes in public. Women: Generally don't like it. Men: Generally like it. Man with a woman: Must pretend he doesn't like it to not incur wrath of said woman. It's the same thing.
  10. I didn't say jealous. You said "...LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME, it gets old." Either you don't like that she wants attention or that she is getting it. That was pretty much my point. I know less about women than anyone on here, but I'll go to my grave knowing it's a fact that women don't like it when other women get attention.
  11. Joking or not... I get that women generally don't like it when other women get attention. I really don't get why a man would care either way if a woman is getting attention. If you are easily offended or especially thin skinned, there are lots of threads on OR you should probably avoid. AFAIK, No one is forced to read any thread or post on here.
  12. I never really wanted an AR. Perhaps next year when there's no AWB, I'll buy one for cheap when all these used ones flood the market.
  13. Does it come with $400 cash?
  14. Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You?...I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep...and you curse...You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know...And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to.
  15. Civilian impressions of military activities are always spot on accurate. Civilian arm chair quarterbacks always have all the facts, know the background, and the context of each engagement. You definitely understand the mindset of our young men and women that have volunteered to put themselves in harms way for your benefit. The military values your opinion very much.
  16. Translation: whiskey is awesome.
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