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Posts posted by Tpoppa

  1. You have a point with the different areas, but God has revealed himself in these different areas, you just don't hear about it because of government in those countries. If God does not exsit then why are people dying for having a Bible? Why do people die for holding Christian meetings?

    People have died for ALL religions, by that logic would you argue that all religions are true?

    For the record not mad nor trying to anger anyone else...

  2. I think people's choice of religion is far too arbitrary for there to be a Supreme Being with some master plan. This is what I mean:

    --If you were born in the US and your parents are Christian you are FAR more likely to be a Christian than any other religion.

    --If you were born in India and your parents are Hindu you are FAR more likely to be a Hindu than any other religion.

    --If you were born in China and your parents are Buddhist you are FAR more likely to be a Buddhist than any other religion.



    If a Supreme Being was involved, wouldn't it's ability to reveal the 'truth' be able to overcome something as arbitrary as geography???

  3. I've had lots of bikes (20 or so). I will say the 919 has the finest STREET motor of any of them. Very linear power delivery, plenty of torque, not much shifting required. But as good as the motor is, the suspension is equally bad. The front is too soft, the rear is too stiff with too little damping (can you say pogo stick). Cornering at anything over 7/10th pace gets sketchy. Compared to my Buell...I was significantly slower on the 919, and was working harder to get the 919 through corners.

    Depending on your riding style, the 919 may be a good choice. It's a top notch commuter, a good sport tourer, & quick in a straight line. But if you enjoy leaning to the edge of your tires I would say look elsewhere.

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