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Posts posted by Tpoppa

  1. No, storing mags with compressed springs does not. This is a common myth. Spring steel is affected by compression and decompression (loading and unloading).


    S&W has very good customer service. Give them a call. If they can't help over the phone they will fix if for free (unless you caused some damage).

  2. $8k for a 650 twin with Ohlins isn't too bad. I'll bet it would be a handy tool for class racing & corner carving. But they do need to get an updated FI system.


    not really clear, but maybe it has FI.

    Fuel ManagementDual Mikuni 39mmIgnitionComputer-controlled digital with variable mapping

  3. When I bought my 919 it had a brand new DQ on the rear. I've never had tire slip so much in my life. It consistently broke loose under 'moderate' braking. I even swapped out the rear shock to make sure it wasn't a suspension issue. I'll never ride a DQ again.

    I equate Dunlop tires to Fram filters. Available everywhere even though the performance is a step below most others.

  4. The morning started OK, but as we got closer to Millersburg we hit rain and got pretty soggy. Just after Doomking split off we met Big Speasy at a gas station in Millersburg. It was raining pretty heavily and we debated calling it a day. After a quick radar check and some weather recon from a guy on a cruiser we decided to press on. About 5 miles past Millersburg the rain stopped. We kept the pace pretty mild until we made it to dry roads.

    The 2nd half of the day was MUCH better, the sun came out and we picked up the pace for 26, 536, & 255. Then we REALLY picked up the pace on 800 as we headed back North.

    Despite the iffy start it wound up being a good day of riding. I finished with a little over 450 miles for the day.

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