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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I remember 2 parts of California. The part where you don't want to live & the part where you can't afford to live.
  2. The best strip club is a massage parlor.
  3. California is honestly the last state I would consider living in. I've been there plenty of times for work. Not for me. They can keep their overcrowding, traffic, crazy taxes, ridiculous cost of living, and their Calitude. The only part of California that I have't been to is Tahoe. I'd be interested in checking that area out, but I hear it's better to live on the Nevada side anyway.
  4. This place is now open for those in NE Ohio. http://www.highvoltagekarting.com/
  5. I enjoy riding bicycles. Mostly with my 2 year old on the back. I totally get what Pauly is saying. I got all the self torture, limit testing, and confidence building I needed from Sr. Drill Instructor Staff Sgt Ellington.
  6. Tpoppa

    Bernie Sanders

    I think a 3rd party president (while very unlikely without major political reform) would have a very difficult time in office. It would, however, be a very loud message from voters that we are fed up. I think it would lead to more future changes that are needed, but it would likely be a lame duck presidency.
  7. Tpoppa

    Bernie Sanders

    Dems in Congress don't cooperate with Rep presidents. Reps in Congress don't cooperate with Dem presidents. What are the odds of either cooperating with a 3rd party president?
  8. Tpoppa

    Cleveland IMS

    You made the right choice. The VIP room is a trailer in the parking lot.
  9. Tpoppa

    Cleveland IMS

    Uh oh. Shit just got real.
  10. Thanks for sharing Paul. You might not guess it, but I'm one of those eternally positive people. I always think things are going to be OK, pretty much no matter what. I can adapt to most any situation. I really don't waste time sweating the small stuff. One of the principals I live by is: "Life is too short to spend time worrying about things you can't change."
  11. Tpoppa

    Cleveland IMS

    Pretty much. Nearby options are limited. There's a place in "downtown" Berea called Mike's that's supposed to have good food, but I've never been there. It's not as close as Grindstone though.
  12. Tpoppa

    Bernie Sanders

    You can certainly blame the parties for the 2 party system. They definitely don't want to give up any control. Voters need just as much blame though. Especially the jackasses that believe "My party has the answers, your party will be the death of America." There are plenty of these jackasses. Too many to count. These are the people that are propping up the broken system. I have far too much pride to call myself a democrat or a republican. I'm an American. See signature.
  13. The wake I'm going to tonight is for someone that was mostly a childhood friend. I still saw him occasionally as we have some of the same friends. He was a father, had a good group of friends, owned a business. Not at all something I would have expected. I guess you never know what other people are dealing with.
  14. I'm 43. I have many friends that are right around that age. I've had way too many friends pass away recently. I've lost 5 people due to suicides in the last 2 years. These are people that at one time or another were close friends. Depression, mental illness, and drugs affect more people than I could ever have guessed. I it just me, or is this what happens when people start approaching middle age? I'm going to another wake this evening.
  15. Tpoppa

    Cleveland IMS

    If we go somewhere with a pool table....please, everyone stop at the ATM on your way there
  16. Tpoppa

    FN FNP 45 FS/FT

    FN makes excellent handguns and rifles.
  17. Tpoppa

    Bernie Sanders

    Did you also vote for John Scott? http://www.sbnation.com/nhl/2016/1/19/10790488/the-internet-beat-the-nhl-and-made-john-scott-an-all-star
  18. Tpoppa

    Bernie Sanders

    So far, this election is like someone asking you what color shoe you would prefer to kick you in the balls.
  19. Tpoppa

    Bernie Sanders

    Do you mean campaign contribution reform?
  20. Tpoppa

    Bernie Sanders

    I COMPLETELY support congressional term limits. But I don't think that would stop the two party system.
  21. Tpoppa

    Bernie Sanders

    These still seems accurate for every presidential election
  22. Tpoppa

    Bernie Sanders

  23. Tpoppa

    Bernie Sanders

    I'd take a steaming pile of poo over Hillary.
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