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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Is Tonik an actual person or just an error log based on a subroutine?
  2. I laid about 500 sq/ft of tile in my basement. It came out great. It takes 3 or 4 days to finish.
  3. If you're handy, it's a diy job. It's labor intensive though. If you're going to pay someone it could get expensive.
  4. Tpoppa

    Cleveland IMS

    Depends on how many.
  5. Tpoppa

    Cleveland IMS

    Apparently so. I wasn't aware it changed names.
  6. Tpoppa

    Cleveland IMS

    If no one can pick a place for an after party, I suggest Scoundrels. It's a pirate bar, but it's close with cheap beer and decent food.
  7. It a cool bike, but I still prefer the naked S1000R to the XR.
  8. I finally made a batch of jerky yesterday. It was super easy & came out awesome. The only hard part is telling when it's done. You can't really tell how firm or dry it is until you take it out of the dehydrator and let it cool for an hour. It took about 5 1/2 hours in my cheapie, $40 dehydrator.
  9. Throttle control baby. I can pretty much leave it in 3rd or 4th gear for most spirited riding. Shifting isn't that important.
  10. I've had slower bikes that were a blast to ride, but I do enjoy the power of a 1237cc V4
  11. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35277249
  12. This is pretty much what I think we're going to. We share costs for kid related stuff, but have our own money for personal things and hobbies. More people use the 1 account method than I would have guessed. Good info I don't think it would be feasable for us to get down to 1 account.
  13. That sounds reasonable. Are you both happy handling it that way?
  14. Oil is soooo low right now. What to do?
  15. One account would not work for us. Different accounts are needed for different things. I personally need 3, used to be more. I pretty much pay 99% of house/living expenses, but were going to do it differently.
  16. So what does that work out to be in total monthly expenses? 70/30?
  17. This question has come up at my house as of late. How do you handle monthly living expenses? 50/50? If one is a higher earner do you pay a significantly bigger portion of living expenses? How do you handle this?
  18. Tpoppa

    Cleveland IMS

    I may go this year. There's a few bikes I'd like to put my ass on. The get together afterwards a few years ago was fun.
  19. I went on a ride this summer with the 2 guys I know that have these. They are both skilled riders on the street and track. We were riding a pretty hot pace. These BMWs are quite fast in the corners. Maybe not quite SS fast, but really close. In a few places we were gassing out of corners at WOT. The S1000XR would slightly pull away from my VFR1200 (which is pretty damn fast) on 2nd or 3rd gear corner exists.
  20. I know 2 people that ride these. It's an impressive machine and quite fast.
  21. Think I'm going to try this jerky recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/142948/docs-best-beef-jerky/ Anyone got a better one?
  22. I've not been hunting. I would be fine taking the shot, I'm just not interested in doing the field dressing. I have a friend that begs me to hunt with him because he knows I can shoot. He badly wants a deer, but he's the least accurate shooter I've ever seen
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