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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Most pocket pistols suck to shoot. They aren't meant to be range guns. I only shoot mine once or twice a year just to stay familiar. There are a few others I prefer, but the LCP is a fine choice for a pocket pistol.
  2. How come no one is calling Raheel Raza a racist or an Islamaphobe? Why is no one regurgitating Obama or Hillary comments that 99.9% of Muslims don't support extremist beliefs? Where is the Ben Affleck style liberal rage?
  3. You should watch this entire video before you express any opinion about Islamic beliefs. It's about 15 minutes. It's full of facts. From 10:20-13:15 they show demographics and percentages that you may find interesting (but you should still watch the entire video). By the Numbers is an honest and open discussion about Muslim opinions and demographics. Narrated by Raheel Raza, president of Muslims Facing Tomorrow, this short film is about the acceptance that radical Islam is a bigger problem than most politically correct governments and individuals are ready to admit...
  4. The 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with hunting or sport shooting. There are plenty of historical documents that show exactly why the 2nd Amendment was part of the BoR.
  5. Somehow, poaching sounds more exciting.
  6. When were you a kid?
  7. IMO it would be tough to justify having both an FJ and FJR. They could be modded to fill pretty much the same role. If you want lightweight corner carver the Duc would do nicely. I would also take a look at a 675 Street Triple. Not even worth a response (other than this response saying not worthy of a response).
  8. If aggressive cornering is on the menu the Duc would be the better choice. The Duc also has more of a gotta-have-it vibe. The FJ is a good solid all round bike, but wouldn't keep up with the Duc in the corners.
  9. Word. This will be an ugly election. Living in a swing state we will get bombarded more than most of the country.
  10. I have no idea who I'll vote for just yet. I think Trump is an A-hole. But I would also say that about every career politician who's run for president in the last 30 years. So...yeah. Voting for Hillary would be like putting on the same old sock and being surprised it still has holes in it. Trump is a lot smarter than many people want to admit. Voters have been screaming for something different for years, and he is proving that he is indeed something different. He knows a lot of what he is saying would NEVER pass the house or senate. But that doesn't matter. This is a campaign and all he is trying to do is gain support....check the polls, it's working. I will say that watching Trump getting my liberal friends all kinds of upset has been highly entertaining
  11. In the US, we don't seem to remember much about China's role in WW2, but something like 14 million Chinese died fighting Japan. US attention was obviously focused elsewhere. China's defense was actually important to our war with Japan. Japan is resource poor. If they would have gained access to China's resources many, many more Americans would have died. About 3% of the entire world's population died as a result of WW2. 75-80 million people died. Over half were civilians. Think about that.
  12. Right. Russia suffered the most casualties as a result of WW2. Around 25 million people, which was something like 15% of their population. They were poorly equipped and not always well trained, but they broke the will of the crack German soldiers they were fighting.
  13. Without looking it up, does anyone know (approx) how many people died as a result of WW2? or which 2 counties had the most casualties?
  14. There were many reasons that the Allies prevailed in Europe. One of the most notable was the development of the P-51 Mustang. Besides being a formidable fighter, it had the range to escort bombers the full distance of their bombing runs. That fact led to the destruction of the Luftwaffe and gave the Allies control of European skies. After that it was just a matter of time until Allied bombers destroyed Nazi manufacturing & supply lines. Nazi tanks ran out of fuel. Nazi troops ran out of food and ammunition. Germany could no longer support their war effort. VE
  15. Well, Italy was a major player in WW2, but the Fiat 500...I can't explain that piece of crap.
  16. Most of the countries that are world leaders in modern heavy manufacturing were involved in WW2. For example...what countries today are the major manufacturers of automobiles? Pretty much all of them were major players in WW2. The most notable exception would be S Korea, who was involved in their own Korean war. Nothing causes manufacturing technology & capacity to advance like a war...unfortunately.
  17. Tpoppa


    You are so sensitive. Fox news called him on it, and he apologized. That said, there are large cross sections of the US population that agree with his sentiment. One significant cross section is the majority of the US military.
  18. Tpoppa


    I agree. There is no room for the truth in network news.
  19. Tpoppa


    Ralph Peters Calls Obama a ‘Total Pussy’ on Live Television http://freebeacon.com/national-security/ralph-peters-calls-obama-a-total-pussy-on-live-television/
  20. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because they saw the US Pacific fleet as the major threat to theirs. Prior to that the US had little interest in entering the war. If Japan didn't attack PH, the US would't have entered the war until much later, if at all. Without US involvement Germany may have conquered most of Europe. The world would be much different today.
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