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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I defended the Latinos against your smear campaign.
  2. This article exains this chart. The 42% of Latino attacks accounted for 7 deaths. The 6% of Islamist attacks accounted for over 3,000 deaths. So...this chart is misleading, and it would appear intentionally so. Political graffiti by a Latino group was considered as 1 act of terror. 9/11 was also considered 1 act of terror. They don't quite equate, do they? http://www.rawstory.com/2015/01/no-americas-terror-threat-is-not-coming-from-latinos/
  3. Without the supporting data the chart isn't useful.
  4. I see what you did there. The thing about numbers like you are stating is they can be massaged to show many different outcomes. What is considered a terrorist attack? What type of violent crimes are being lumped in as a terrorist attack? Foreign or domestic? Is it for a specific country of region? Many countries are plagued with violent crimes that many would not consider terrorism.
  5. Tpoppa


    There are 2 US Air Force bases in Turkey. 1 of them is occupied by US and Turkish forces. There are US/Turkish joint ops occurring in that region.
  6. Tpoppa


    They are. "He [Putin] described it as a "stab in the back" committed by "accomplices of terrorists"." http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-34913173
  7. Tpoppa


    This can't be good http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/24/middleeast/warplane-crashes-near-syria-turkey-border/index.html
  8. There are multiple provisions of a liquor license. IIRC there is a specific provision for Sunday sales. I think it's D6.
  9. Maybe giving Jim suspension tips is a bad idea. It'll just make it harder to keep up with him
  10. I like this method because if doesn't affect the suspension travel or any of the suspension ratios.
  11. Agreed. The players may be amateurs but Meyer is a professional coach making over $6 million/year. After that performance he earned some criticism. Not to mentioned when the season started OSU had 3 QBs with impressive college resumes. Now the coaching staff is very timid throwing the ball. That is not an elite coaching effort.
  12. With those play calls, I agree.
  13. You may not like how he went about, but I think Elliot's comments were accurate. OSU's offensive approach was not going to win that game. Meyer is an excellent coach, but that was his worst effort since coming to Columbus. They lost a chance at a national championship without a chance to give their best effort. Of course the players are frustrated.
  14. I dont know what your shock mount looks like...but you should be able to add spacers such as large washers. It's cheap and it works. I know someone who did this to a Superhawk with good results.
  15. I hope this continues to be the only one.
  16. This is an interesting point that shouldn't be glossed over. There are more layers than just extremist vs non extremist. Within non extremists they are sympathizers. How many? It's impossible to know, they don't exactly advertise. Consider this example... Pakistan is over 95% Muslim. Officially, the Pakastani gov't and military were opposed to Al Qaeda and Bin Laden. Remember, they were even helping in the hunt for Bin Laden. But fast forward and where was he found? Abbottabad. The military neighborhood where the upper echelon of Pakistani military officers live that borders the Pakistan Military Academy, their equivalent of West Point. I don't consider the Pakastani military to be an extremist group, but I don't think they are strongly opposed to them either. Why? You are welcome to speculate. How do you think Bin Laden came to have a safe house in the middle of the military brass that were looking for him? There were several theories... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_support_system_in_Pakistan_for_Osama_bin_Laden
  17. Jinu, I am not going to dissect your whole post, but I am going to disagree with you. I am not concerned with all Muslims. At the moment I am concerned with ISIS. They (not me) claim that they are following Muhammed. The pieces I quoted are fundamental to ISIS' tactics (feel free to do your own research) The path they are going down is a dangerous one. They have been successful at recruiting moderate Muslims to join their cause. I disagree with their politics, which has the same goals as their religion. Their ideology is not something that I will pretend to agree with for even a second.
  18. The picture was supposed to mean nail on the head. Maybe I picked the wrong one.
  19. You said American soil. Hitler never attacked American soil. Feel free to keep grasping at straws though. btw, none of Hitler's actions were motivated by Christianity. He was a madman that was preoccupied with creating the Aryan race.
  20. Tpoppa


    That's been a saying in the Marines since Christ was a Corporal.
  21. The 2 biggest attacks on US soil were Pearl Harbor and 9/11.
  22. Overall a pretty poorly thought out post. You obviously have a bone to pick with Christianity. It's easy enough to poke holes in every religion. But you should be smart enough to understand that not all religions are created equal. Some ideologies are more harmful than others. For your knowledge, no I am not a Christian. NO. The Bible does not legitimize rape or sex slaves. There are stories of war and killing in the Bible, but they are not carried out the most recognizable religious figure, nor the #1 prophet. That is a MAJOR difference that you seem happy to ignore. Yes, there have been harmful acts carried out under the name of every religion. But we aren't talking about some insignificant religious figure, we are talking about the life of Muhammed, the man so perfect in Islam to depict his image means death. The model for Islamic men. I am not interested on Bronze Age carnage nor the Crusades. They are irrelevant. I am interested in today. Muhammed believed it was OK to rape women of his enemies. Do modern Islamists do that? http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/14/world/middleeast/isis-enshrines-a-theology-of-rape.html?_r=0 Muhammed kept sex slaves. Do modern Islamists do that? http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2015/10/23/isis-rapes-women-toward-allah/ Muhummad ordered & participated in beheadings. Do modern Islamists do that? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISIL_beheading_incidents I could go on. Certainly the majority of Muslims don't carry out these acts, but some do. And they claim to be following the way of the prophet...and they are. How many Christians do you know that, in 2015, claim to be following teachings to commit Bronze Age violence?
  23. So I was reading up on Islam. Some of what I found is not what you'd expect from a religious text. According to the writings of Islam, the prophet Muhammed was a warlord, a killer, and a rapist. He ordered mass killings and kept slaves including sex slaves. Where are these obscure writings you ask? Well they're right in the Quran. There are stories of atrocities, and other things that could only be described as criminal even during times of war. Now, I don't claim to be an expert on Islam and haven't read the entire Quran, so can someone tell me how this is a religion of peace? https://www.facebook.com/notes/knowledge-is-power/in-islams-own-writings-muhammads-massacres-and-sex-slaves/523705024374034(There are plenty of other sources if you don't like this one.)
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