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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I thought their food was mediocre at best and overpriced.
  2. Tpoppa


    I am waiting for Obama to put the "full weight of his office" behind gun control in the middle east. That should solve just about everything.
  3. Tpoppa


    I was trying to verify some comments from that video. This religion of peace is sounding a lot less peaceful. http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/quran/025-muhammads-sex-life.htm Although the Qur'an didn't appear to have enough space for topics like universal love and brotherhood (which Muslims sometimes insist are there, but aren't), the list of sexual partners that Muhammad was entitled to is detailed more than once, sometimes in categories and sometimes in reference to specific persons (ie. Zaynab and Mary). Muhammad was married to thirteen women, including eleven at one time. He relegated them to either consecutive days or (according to some accounts) all in one night. He had sex with a 9-year-old girl and married his adopted son's wife (after arranging a quick divorce). On top of that, Muhammad had a multitude of slave girls and concubines with whom he had sex - sometimes on the very days in which they had watched their husbands and fathers die at the hands of his army. So, by any realistic measure, the creator of the world's most sexually restrictive religion was also one of the most sexually indulgent characters in history.
  4. Tpoppa


    Also describing Mohammed as a "Warlord that owned sex slaves" doesn't give much credibility to the argument that Islam is a "Religion of Peace." I'll try to watch the rest when I have time.
  5. ^^ The Gladius motor was an improvement over the 1st or 2nd SV. Peak power wasn't that different, but the power delivery was much improved.
  6. Tpoppa


    I watched the first half. Interesting point about no separation of church/state in Islam...political and religious goals are identical. He makes Islamists sound like a violent cult that never made it out of the middle ages.
  7. The frame looks a lot like the Gladius frame. The styling looks similar to the 2003 SV650.
  8. Tpoppa


    Certainly. Thousands of European ISIS sympathizers have gone to Syria to join ISIS. Some have returned to their home countries, or other countries to plot acts of terrorism. It is easier for them to operate under the false identity of a refugee. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-29372494 Is there someone specific to your question?
  9. Buy in the fall. Ride for a year, then sell the next spring. It's an easy way to try a number of different motorcycles while making a bit of $$ on the side. I've had something like 25 or 30 motorcycles. The only ones I've lost money on were 3 that I bought new.
  10. Tpoppa


    Weather they're refugees or posing as refugees is academic. The point is it's an easy way to gain entry into a country with little if any way to validate the information provided. You don't think ISIS is aware of this?!? 27 governors agree. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34839187
  11. Tpoppa


    I would rather feed them in Syria than feed them here. I agree that I wouldn't arm them. Sides change frequently over there and sooner or later those guns would be pointed at us. That's yet another reason why they shouldn't be here. They have ZERO loyalty to the USA.
  12. Tpoppa


    Who took in US citizens during our civil war? If these people aren't willing to fight for their own country, then why would we want them in ours?
  13. Tpoppa


    I don't think many middle eastern immigrants fit this description
  14. Your coyote love is puzzling.
  15. Tpoppa


    By many reports the refugee population contains many males age 18-45. Why don't they stay in Syria and fight in this civil war? It seems like fighting for your homeland and quite literally your home would be a good motivator. If these Muslims are truly opposed to ISIS and some of the other fighting factions, then pick a side and fight for it.
  16. Tpoppa


    There is a real humanitarian crisis in Syria. Something like 10 million people have fled their homes due to the civil war. Despite Obama's statement, it's pretty much impossible to vet them with certainty due to a lack of information available in Syria. ISIS members have already posed as refugees to gain entrance into France. Many of them genuinely need help, but because of ISIS, 26 US governors have already said "not in my back yard." I personally think relocation is going to cause a number of different problems.
  17. Tpoppa


  18. The winter kit should come with a bottle of whiskey and a 4 month supply of happy pills
  19. The build quality of FN is in a different league than Keltec....BUT, I don't buy anything that isn't in widely accessible calibers.
  20. Needs a rebuild every 1/4 mile. Sounds like a Harley to me
  21. Tpoppa


    No. http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/10/politics/u-s-take-10000-syrian-refugees/
  22. Tpoppa


    So you think they should be able to carry out attacks with no consequences!?!?! You honestly think that would reduce the number of attacks? I hope you're smarter than that. Protect our BOARDAZ!
  23. Tpoppa


    There is no possible way to have a conflict of that scale without collateral damage. Especially when you have ISIS intentionally operating near schools, hospitals, & churches. If there is no collateral damage...ISIS will find some rubble and toss a few kids under it so they can take photos.
  24. Tpoppa


    Can you describe a scenario where there is not killing and war in the middle east? It's been going on for thousands of years. When they're not fighting "westerners" they're fighting each other. There is inherent violence in that region, and it's justified by Islamic principles like jihad. Unfortunately, I think it will come to this eventually. Obama is a limp dick and certainly doesn't have the stomach for this, Putin might. Highly viseable attacks like Paris, will increase support for larger attacks. More countries will get involved, and this will escalate. I think ISIS is intentionally trying to escalate this into a much larger conflict.
  25. Tpoppa


    That is quite the 180 from Tonik. I am glad you are open to changing your mind.
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