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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Learning to invest in oil goes a little like this
  2. Oil is the most difficult investment I've attempted. There are many, many factors and players that can manipulate prices as they wish. I made some money on oil in 2014 and 2015, but nothing particularly impressive. I expect oil will go up and down in 2016. So money can be made...and lost. I wouldn't "buy and hold" oil anytime soon. Not until you think either OPEC will cut production or middle east problems will raise prices.
  3. I have a few clients that are major defense contractors. I suspect defense, nat'l security, and anti terrorism stocks will do just fine in 2016
  4. All I need is a deck of cards. I'll win everything I need
  5. 2015 was a tough year for investing. Even Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway is down about 13% for the year. Is anyone planning to make any significant changes to their investment strategy for 2016? Has anyone been investing in oil or plan to for 2016? Any thoughts on sectors that may be gaining or losing strength?
  6. I have an SR22. I've taught many people to people to shoot with it. They're accurate, reliable, and fun to shoot.
  7. I haven't ridden one but I'd like to demo the faired version. I expect it to be much more capable than the Fz and a bit better than the Z1000.
  8. I like Keltec designs but their quality is hit or miss. I still own one but had to get rid of a few that I couldn't trust even after multiple trips back to.the factory.
  9. You can't go wrong with a G17.
  10. Perhaps you understand the way surveys and margin of error work. Perhaps not. Suggesting that there were translations issues that skewed data without bothering to read how the interviews were conducted seems a little disingenuous. It seems that you are trying hold the data to an impossible standard of acceptance. That's fine. You don't need to believe it.
  11. The group that produced the video used the findings from Pew Research. Pew published what you are looking for and much more...sample sizes, survey methodology, margin of error, etc, etc. You can accept it as good data or not. It makes no difference to me. Again, if you have a better source feel free to share it.
  12. Kahr triggers are some of my favorites. I'm selling the CW9 to get one of the all steel Elite models.
  13. No Jim. You either didn't watch the video, didn't understand it, or are being intentionally obtuse. No one is arguing the number of jihadists. The point of the video is that the 475,000 jihadists aren't the only Muslims that support extremists ideas. I swear....sometimes you are like talking to a 2 year old.
  14. Stock photo, but I just picked up a 5906. I forgot how much I like to shoot all steel guns. This one is a keeper.
  15. One of the points of the video is to try to get non-Mulsims to understand that type of violence is accepted by some Muslims (see demographics). How else would you suggest depicting that violence. Seems like video footage is a reasonably effective medium.
  16. Fair enough. I interpreted it differently, but you are welcome to that opinion. No argument that Ben is a pinhead. I thought it was fine that he was included. Here's why: Ben's outrage was real. But I don't think he really understood what he was outraged about. He heard a group's religion being questioned and jumped right to "bigot" and "islamaphobe." I have come to understand that there is no real separation of church and state within Islam. If you disagree with the political agenda, you are also disagreeing with aspects of the Islamic religion. That is a foreign concept for Americans. It's uncomfortable for many Americans and not particularly well understood. While Ben's reactions were on the extreme side, I think lots of people have a similar reaction due to a lack of understanding about Islamic Ideology. Also, the numbers from PEW are best source I've seen. If you have another source please share it.
  17. I won't buy a bike that has been sitting for years unridden. I'd rather have something that been ridden a few thousand miles/year and has been maintained.
  18. I've owned many. Of the ones I still own, these have never had a malfunction of any kind. S&W BG380 S&W Sigma 9VE - This one has had 4 or 5 thousand rounds through it. S&W M&P 9 Kahr CW9 I'm selling the Kahr if anyone is looking.
  19. Of all the guns I own, 4 of them have been 100% reliable. 3 of those 4 are S&W.
  20. OOC, why do you say that? The group that put it together is not particularly political. They do not endorse candidates. They are a Canada based, non profit that speaks to reforms within Islam. Their leader is a human rights activist. In fact, "In her opinion, the main problem with the modern Islam is the blending of religion with politics."
  21. I've owned all 3. The Smith was by far my favorite and the only one I still own. The 42 was bigger and more pleasant to shoot, but not 100% reliable.
  22. ..continued If you analyze Christian doctrine you can find holes and contradictions. I've done it myself. But, the Bible is actually pretty consistent about condemning violence, especially in the new testament. Certainly, violence has been committed in the name of Christianity, but it would be extremely difficult to argue that the Bible calls for this violence. If you analyze Muslim doctrine you will also find holes and contradictions. There is an especially large contradiction about killing and violence. There are verses that call for peace and others that call for killing non-believers. There is no equivalent to "out of date" old testament verses. (According to surveys) About 75% of all Muslims seem to focus on the peaceful aspects of Islam. While the other 25% seem to feel that the calls to violence are still relevant today. Today there are 200k-500k active jihadists. ----- link above doesn't work ------ http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/quran/023-violence.htm
  23. How would you propose educating people that either practice or justify violence and killing in the name of their religion (before everyone's panties get bunched, I'm referring to jihadists and fundamentalists)? Would you tell them their beliefs are wrong? They believe the Quran calls for this violence and guess what...IT DOES. It's important for non-Muslims to educate themselves about what is actually contained in the Muslim ideology. This is worth reading: http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/quran/023-violence.htm "The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter..."
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