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Everything posted by jschaf

  1. Traded in my 12 year old Altima on a brand new GTI sport today. That's how I beat the winter blahs.
  2. Right. January 20 will be the time for the Republicans to put up or shut up.
  3. I don't run red lights when police are present. Never had a problem with these lights that don't change.
  4. My commute is 16 miles each way 5 days a week, but last week my commute was 29 hours to Seattle due to snow in Chicago. My sympathy is to those that travel for work on a regular basis. Driving 30 miles each way 3 days a week would not be a hardship for me!
  5. Will be at the show. Due to almost total lack of interest in the meetup last year I won't be expending any energy attempting to organize such. Should somebody else successfully organize, I will show up.
  6. My first real motorcycle was a '73 Yamaha 360 2 cycle enduro ( I could be wrong but I think it was a DT360). It was geared real low & had knobbies & was a blast to ride in the snow. Gave me some proper sliding practice.
  7. Are you talking about Jerry, Nivin? If so, that would be great.
  8. I've been known to do a track day occasionally. Post up a date when it's not going to rain & I'm most likely in.
  9. Lowered pegs, lowered suspension. Terrible idea! That bike looks like it's about ready to drag hard parts when it's just sitting there.
  10. GDMFrs. Gotta give a presentation at work tomorrow.
  11. As for the electoral college being population based; One vote in Wyoming is equivalent to 3.6 votes in New York, 1 vote in Ohio is equivalent to 1.04 votes in Florida, etc, etc. It is a system that was thought up when information traveled on horseback. We could probably do better now by making a change. No, I'm not proposing a retroactive change. Those that are bitching about the protestors can't seriously think that there would be less protesting & violence if Trump would have been the one to win the popular vote but lose the election?
  12. If this keeps up for the next 4 years we'll all be bizillionaires!
  13. jschaf

    no mirrors?

    Good mirrors are handy for seeing when you should slow down (or speed up) when a cop's coming up on you in traffic. Also handy when waiting for the group to catch up in the twisties. For lane changes I always do a big head check (especially when traversing multiple lanes). Mirrors never say yes, they only say no. Taking them off a street bike is a sign of limited IQ.
  14. You guys are definitely bat shit crazy. No further comment.
  15. I just noticed this very sad news. Ryan was a great guy. I got to street ride with him once & he was nice enough to share some shade & conversation with me down at Mid Ohio. I wish you well at that big track in the sky Ryan.
  16. jschaf

    Small cars

    At 25k a year I'd go the cheap route with a Fit or similar. At 10k a year in the car I'm replacing my 05 Altima with a new GTI or WRX next year. I can relate to the garage space issue there though.
  17. Are another set of Angel GTs going to break the bank? The spring buyer will appreciate you not being a cheap ass.
  18. I am amused. The route Derek suggested is exactly the route I took my group on the spring 2015 "epic" ride except the meet spot was New Concord. I was down that way yesterday.
  19. Nicer aesthetically than my 08 but that's because I'm a 58 year old kid. GLWS.
  20. Sad refrain there. Trying to make a good impression of sportbike riders for these shitty ass drivers is fruitless. The reason they do asshole shit usually has more to do with them than you. I just steer clear, don't engage them & have my fun in a realistically safe manner. Sport bikes are not designed to be ridden in a namby pamby manner that will please Jane in her Prius or Joe in his Malibu.
  21. Is this new paving on 555 blacktop or chip seal?
  22. Brandon- After reading your OP I didn't realize that you were immediately behind your friend. Guess you'll just have to figure out what you could have done differently.
  23. I'm glad your panic didn't result in a catastrophe. I don't know what road you were on but most are way wide enough for a car, a motorcycle & a truck. You did the right thing hitting the centerline but the braking was obviously unnecessary & only served to increase your panic. The next time this happens, remain calm, stay on the gas, hit the centerline, & direct your vision to the clear path through, not the obstacles. When overtaking multiple vehicles especially aware of any signs that someone is going to make a left turn. I hope you learn from this experience.
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