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Everything posted by jschaf

  1. jschaf

    ABS or Pass?

    ABS is preferable. That being said; If you have a non-abs bike, as I don't there are certain things you can do to improve your braking proficiency. I'll go on a solo ride about once a month or so where I practice "hard braking". I"ll get going a certain elevated speed then stop as fast as I can. Rinse & repeat 4 or 5 times. This usually amounts to the back wheel coming off the ground an inch or two & me hearing a certain howl from the front tire, indicating it is about to (but hasn't) locked up. If it starts to lock up I just ease up a little. This exercise has taught me to have a feel for the brakes. A little rear keeps the front from diving. These practice sessions (& Mid Ohio) has definitely helped me out in a few emergency situations. It's amazing how little you have to use your brakes on the street (until there's an emergency situation). That's where practice comes in. Unless of course you have ABS. Then you can just grab a handful, so I am told.
  2. jschaf

    New Bike!

    Congrats. Looks like a prime specimen of a fun bike. (This is the way to do a new bike thread. No dildos required.)
  3. So, is the ride still on if they don't make good on the titshirts before the 21st?
  4. The Republican Party really screwed the pooch on this one. It's pretty unlikely that Hillary will be convicted & very likely that she will be elected president, given the opposition.
  5. & I think I read somewhere that your general safety is directly proportional to tha square of your speed.
  6. These threads generally suck, but this one's getting better.
  7. Is this a trick question? It's obvious that a big fukn' truck was in his way. If I was an idiot I sure wouldn't post up vids of my idiocity. (Well, maybe I would, being an idiot.) Furthermore, the wind doesn't blow bikes around much. It blows riders around. If those riders happen to be tight on the bars they make unwanted steering inputs & they might run into trucks. I think it was just a simple case of target fixation though. Hate to see what this guy would do on a West Virginia road.
  8. Faster is better. It's a lot easier to evaluate what the numbskulls are doing as you approach them from the rear than trying to evaluate using your mirrors. While commuting I am mostly in the left side of the passing lane going 15 or 20 mph faster than the traffic in the next lane. If someone comes up behind me I get over or speed up to let them travel at their desired speed. If someone is clogging up traffic by being in the passing lane but not passing I filter between the passing lane & the next lane over. It's good to pretend you are invisible to other drivers.
  9. Just had to put down a furry friend & family member of 11 years. It sucks & doesn't get any easier. One of the best dogs I ever had.
  10. IMHO, tires that slide easier will teach you what you need to know. If you're competing that's one thing but track days are another thing. Q3s are good enough for me right now. If you are afraid to slide Q3s you shouldn't be riding a higher spec tire. IMHO.
  11. Yesterday was fun. Thanks for hosting Sam. It was good to see some motorcycle folks I hadn't seen in a while &. meet some new ones.
  12. Me & Amarillo Brillo will be there around 1:00. Riding the CBR so I can discuss upgrades & maintenance with you experts.
  13. Lycra is so 2015. Italian carbon soles to go with my assless chaps would be to die for though.
  14. Is anyone going commando with assless leather chaps for this ride? I'm considering, but don't want stick out in the crowd.
  15. 65 with periods of rain, fire, & brimstone for those that are not in compliance.
  16. I've been through several sets of Angel GTs & they work very well in dry conditions & reasonably well in wet conditions. I had them on my wife's Monster 696 & currently have them on my Ninja 1000. They last over 5000 miles for me which is way better than standard sport tires. I run Q3s on my CBR because it's a dual sport (street & track) & am lucky to get half the miles out of them. Remember, all tires suck on wet tar snakes & such.
  17. Nope. The 1000rr with the full yoshimura system always sounds better. The Kaw is stealthy quiet. A guy I work with has shorty straight pipes on his fat boy & man that Thing is agriculturally obnoxious. Please tell me you don't have straight pipes on your road king.
  18. ATGATTT & close those helmet vents when you see a cop beside the road now. Those damn squids are going to ruin it for all us law abiding motorcyclists.
  19. Looks pretty hillybilly Pauly. I approve.
  20. Them Harley's sound like I sound after I wash down some hard boiled eggs & baked beans with a 6 pack of beer.
  21. That would really suck to show up unaware expecting to do some riding. Clogging up the works as usual only worse.
  22. That being said, corners are where it's at.
  23. Don't listen to this guy. He's a 12 o'clocker on that big Kawasaki. In all seriousness, doing a wheelie or stoppie on a deserted country road with good sight lines and no pullouts is ok by me if you know what you are doing or are prudent on the learning curve. Problem is that most folks that are into stunting are "look at me" types that want the attention of all the folks in rush hour. Stunters have a bad reputation because of this, thus all the "douchbag" comments.
  24. Rob, Those BT-016s will get rid of themselves pretty fast if you just leave them on the Ninja. Unless you have done so already, when you replace them, get a 55 series rear which will make the bike hold a (neutral) line a lot better. I've been running the Pirelli Angel GTs which seem to suit the bike well with no grip issues throughout their 5,000 + mile life.
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