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Everything posted by jschaf

  1. Just go with your gut & get yourself a speed triple. I've ridden them & they are pretty sweet. Don't worry so much about the power wheelies. Any (stock) bikè won't do a wheelie unless you request one. Disclaimer--Wheelies are habit forming & hazardous to your license if done in populated areas.
  2. Thinking Millersburg, Otsego, 83, 78, 377, 676, 26, 260, 255 or 800, 556, etc. Subject to change. Pace will be fairly brisk. Any riders interested?
  3. I rode a Harley for 20 minutes one time & that was plenty for me. Never want to do that again. Good luck on making a rational decision.
  4. Welcome to the forum. It's nice to see some diversity here. I'm a "form follows function" guy myself but the bikes you posted up are interesting visually. It's evident that you are doing something you enjoy & that's cool in my book.
  5. Cool. The motorcycle minions audio is a nice touch. 377 is pretty sweet.
  6. You did the best thing, which is nothing. The bike will self correct in a slide. Your body position has little to do with what the bike must do to other than allowing you to not fall off & keep loose on the bars, while maintaining a steady throttle. You're definitely improving.
  7. I was wondering why I didn't see a flash of red go by me on the way up 83. Good luck with the repairs on that.
  8. Great ride. Thanks Derek & everyone that contributed. Thanks for leading our group Uncle Punk.
  9. For what it's worth, it's not about brute force, it's about finesse. I've done race slicks before without too much trouble & the sidewalls on these are at least as stiff as your heavyweight bike tires.
  10. Oh, for fuck sakes. Tonic is great. Just rattlin' the cage.
  11. Just spreadin' the hate man.
  12. You protest at the highest level of profanity so I think there's a little truth to what I said. You big cock sucker.
  13. Damn. What a bitch you are Tonic. I think this moderator gig has gone to your head. As Tony says, if the group gets too big split it in two. Damn, I'll be in Germany for work when y'all are being domineered by Tonic. Have fun. Take duct tape.
  14. Taking the wheels off the bike is the hard part. Get yourself a set of spoons & cut up a plastic jug to protect the rims. Static balance is Ezpz. A large Jorgensen parallel jaw wood clamp will break the bead.
  15. I guess once you get the shaft there's no return. I never really clean my chains. I just wipe them off with a rag & lube. I realize that this cuts their life to about 25K but that's the price I pay. Some swear by the WD40 though.
  16. Went to the dentist & grocery earlier. Now Lying on the couch, watching WSB, drinking Deschutes Inversion IPA, waiting to devour a steak sandwich & some homemade mac & cheese. Sloth knows no bounds.
  17. True there. The pic is of V2 that I just made. V1 lasted through 2 full seasons but didn't have the diagonal bracing & internal reinforcement this one does. I put some HDPE tubes inside the main supports & filled the whole thing with gorilla glue. Sturdy enough to function but should break away ICE. Thanks for fixing Tonic. I post pics so infrequently it's always a pain in the ass. School me.
  18. Racks are convenient though. I got this one at Home Depot in the plumbing aisle.
  19. Welcome to Ohio riders. PM sent.
  20. Warning! Do not buy a Samsung top loading HE (no agitator column) washing machine if you get your clothes dirty. The direct drive sounded good & the bells & whistles were enticing, but they definitely don't get your clothes clean. I wore dirty clothes for a year then we kicked the set to the curb (didn't have the heart to rip somebody off by selling it to them) & got a regular GE set. The washer has an agitator & my clothes are clean again. $1600 lesson learned.
  21. And so the ride is on, despite the T-shirt catastrophe. Looking forward to it. Although I am adverse to long range weather forecasts, this one looks good, with a large spread of warm rainless days around the 21st. I'm in, fast group by the way.
  22. Don't do it. We came upon a traffic jam slabing back from the gap a few years ago. The cause of the jam was a jackknifed Harley with small trailer. The rider was pretty skinned up as he wasn't wearing gear. This was on the interstate highway for god sakes. If you feel that you have to take so much shit that a trailer is necessary, re-evaluate & take a car. Or better yet, pare it down a bit & take the bike, sans trailer.
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