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Everything posted by jschaf

  1. Just saying that I had some good rides with you & hope you get back out sometime. Cheers.
  2. When are you going to start riding again Udell? I know you want to.
  3. #3. No Whining (Let's just ride instead).
  4. You might want to get your vision checked Andy. Same old rat fairings beat up a couple years ago at the track.
  5. 65 is pretty arbitrary. Why not really teach people proper driving skills & have more stringent testing from the start. Why let someone drive poorly for almost 40 years before weeding them out. I see bad drivers of all ages everyday as a result of our "everybody gets the certificate" system. Flatten any pickup truck tires lately?
  6. Very nice bike Rob. Congrats.
  7. Did you sign up for the Bike of the Month Club?
  8. Not many takers on the hate. Maybe you should try something else.
  9. Hey Brian. Come on out. It would be great if you could. No definite plans right now except to come out & ride. I don't want to make trouble but that "standard" route is pretty short. I'm sure we can reach a consensus among the 3 or 4 that want to ride in the "fast" group.
  10. Thanks Brian. I will have to take you up on that offer. Not sure when though.
  11. I don't know I can make BP in Lodi in time. If I don't, certainly don't wait on me. I'll try to catch up.
  12. I don't know about the ADV stuff but I intend to some day. Thanks for the vid Brian.
  13. 555 is certainly more challenging than US 129 but not in a desirable way. Only because of the chip seal & gravel. We did a 5 mile section of it last weekend to get to 676 from 377. It's not a good road to ride at pace.
  14. Oh sweet Jesus. Not another "guess my bike". It's all that Nivin's fault.
  15. Not full air. I did loft the front a wee bit over said rise though.
  16. Oh yea, 488 miles today & the LEOs all stayed home. Now that's my kind of ride. 676 was a nice alternative to 550.
  17. That was fun. Thanks for organizing & leading Brian. Holly says thanks for getting me home nice & early. It was good to get to ride with you Jacob. Shame so many no shows.
  18. Looks like the rain is moving off to the northeast. Headed out the door soon.
  19. Cool. I'll see you at 8:00 am in Bolivar Brian.
  20. You tried "no wait" last time & it didn't work, lol. It would be good if you could make it Sunday Brian.
  21. Telescoping too. I would do that but you wouldn't be seeing my face on the tube. I only have 1 1/2
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