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Everything posted by jschaf

  1. I'm going to have to face my fears sometime. 536 freaks me out after breaking some ribs there in 2010, gravel & such. Haven't been up or down it since. Thanks for the nice write-up Jason.
  2. Never bought a bike for it's looks yet. (You don't have to look at them when you're railing them through the corners) If Kawasaki brings some serious meat to the table it will sell, as long as they offer alternatives to GREEN.
  3. Both my bikes are +1 in front. I like the lower revs. Niether of them are noticeably slower either as I can hold a lower gear longer. Initially I went -1 in front on the cbr which was cheap entertainment but sort of pointless.
  4. Hopefully I'll be back from Düsseldorf in time to go & meet the elusive Casper. Trade show runs 5/31-6/10. Date the bosses want me to go won't be known until about March or so. I certainly hope this isn't just another excuse.
  5. Are you sure you didn't make a typo & mean August 30th?
  6. You are definitely a maniac. Keep us posted on any catastrophic consequences of your actions.
  7. Rob, I thought you were getting a much better feel for the Beemer once you jumped in front. Derek, thanks for leading down 83 & 541 (nice, safe but fun pace). Jason, you were moving that 699 through the corners pretty good. John, you did good not to get sucked in to riding over your head we really didn't mind waiting up (You will improve if you work on it. If you haven't seen or read "twist of the wrist 2" I recommend). Good riding with all of you.
  8. I'm in. See y'all at BP in the AM.
  9. Maybe. I'll know better tomorrow night. Sounds like a nice "local" ride. Any route planned.
  10. Sounds like you're on the right track.
  11. Welcome to OR. What bikes are you considering?
  12. You wanted opinions from asshats. Well there you go. I really hate you. Hate Hate Hate you.
  13. Don't be a weenie. Make your own deisions.
  14. If I had more money I would buy a 2 cyl bikè that would equal my 4 cyls in performance. Until then, bring it on.
  15. St Elmo's had some pretty tasty steaks tonight. Team Suzuki had a large group at the table next to ours. See you at the races. Everybody bring rain gear?
  16. I've been riding on OR rides for years now I have yet to meet to meet you.
  17. I miss riding with you guys. Got a busy August here though. This weekend is out due to motogp Indiana. Hopefully I'll be free 8/16, 8 most likely free 8/29 & 8/30 + Most of September weekends. Any weekend in October that the weather is nice. Any weekend in November that the weather is nice (wishful thinking). Definitely don't take me off the contact list. Have a good ride This weekend.
  18. The street is not a race course!. For shame, for shame.
  19. Not done with "sporty" bikes though. Nice ride Rob.
  20. Get well soon. I've got a lumpy collarbone myself & I know it's not pleasant & takes a while.
  21. This thread sucks. Anybody thinking of starting another such thread, pleeeeease don't. Your restraint is appreciated in advance.
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