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Posts posted by jschaf

  1. Your bike will correct it's own course, provided the suspension is not excessively mal-adjusted.  This may include a "tank slapper'.  As has been said here already, the best thing you can do is not make any steering  input to the bars, keep on the throttle, & grip the hell out of your tank with your knees.  That said, the best thing to do is learn to avoid the gravel.  Your photo shows what looks like a clear path that the car tires have cleared.  Last time I had a problem with gravel in 2010 it was not a tank slapper but a slam bam, broken bones thing. Reviewing the circumstances of that crash, there was a clear path through as well.  Hope to see you out riding again soon Nivin.  I don't recall you crashing up until now, so welcome to the club.  Everyone that really rides crashes at one time or another, so don't worry about it & avoid the gravel.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Tpoppa said:


    I prefer to be the ride leader, but will only do so in certain situations.  There's a group of people that I've ridden with for years, all of us a capable of being the lead, sweep, or middle of the pack.   There's no egos, and we all know what to expect...we're all riding our pace, which is pretty similar for each rider. 

    I rather ride with unfamiliar riders when there's just 2 or maybe 3 of us, not in a bigger group...and I watch closely.  I've met some outstanding riders that way, and some others I would NOT invite to a group ride, until their skills & maturity are more developed.  I've also ridden with some skilled riders that  AREN'T a particularly good fit to have on a group ride.   

    When I'm leading, I tend to watch my mirrors a lot.  I'm actively trying to keep the group from getting split too far apart, and making sure no one is putting them self or another rider in jeopardy.  I won't ride with people who's ego exceeds their talent, or think a group ride a pissing contest. 

    My level of comfort with other riders has nothing to do with pace.  It has everything to do with skill, smoothness, and being level headed.  I've dipped out of lots of rides when it just didn't feel right.


    Went to said group ride.  Rode at "the pace" with a friend (B-Mac) that has similar skill set & similar riding interest to me.  Had a great ride.  Got to socialize with some of the young bucks at stops. Apparently they went a little faster than us in the straights & a little slower than us in the corners. There are some up & coming genuinely good riders in that group. Nobody crashed or even had a close call that I'm aware of.  Everybody that went on the ride claims to have had a good time except for maybe the OP here. 

    Do you ever get that VFR out anymore Tony.  Do you ever get that CBR out anymore Todd.  We used to have some pretty good rides as I recall.

  3. B-Mac stepped up but it seems that nobody else wanted to join our group.  We were hoping that we could pick up a couple more riders in McConnelsville. That's why we waited for the group to catch up & fell in behind until McConnelsville.  Also, we waited at the Speedway in Marietta for about 45 minutes & nobody showed so we continued. In other words,  QuityerbitchinTonic.

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  4. 10 hours ago, DerekClouser said:

    Welcome to the forums.  My only tip is to stay humble on the bike.  Trust me, probably contrary to your own belief, you don't know everything about riding motorcycles, so always be willing to learn and improve while riding.  Don't get cocky because the moment you think you are in full control is the moment you find yourself on your ass wondering what the hell just happened. 


    Stay safe and wear gear.  Maybe we can get together some time and ride. 

    From the Humblest.

    • Haha 1
  5. 15 hours ago, Blitz said:

    Might join this one. Saturday's a good day for me, and it's been a while since I've ridden with Jacob. I'll look to meet in Otsego. Tip: 83 sucks through the Muskie bucket area. Chip seal has ruined it for a few years, it seems.

    That chip seal seems pretty grippy due to the coarse nature of the aggregate.  Last time I was down there was a little bit of loose stone in the middle of the lanes, but the general grip was pretty good if you stay out of the middle of the lane.

  6. 2 hours ago, Isaac's Papa said:

    We got soaked. Lol


    Also, my waterproof suit... not so waterproof. 

    It's good to be able to test that shit out on rides like these.  I didn't bring rain gear & got soaked, but by the time I got home only my Lee Parks gloves & where I sit were still wet.  It was good to see you today Pauly.

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