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Everything posted by RSVDon

  1. So torn, good or bad? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrTyD7rjBpw
  2. Jagr is aZn? This just changed everything...
  3. Anybody actually look at the locations posted? They're pretty far off. Some by hundreds of feet, some by miles. I know there's dots on mine in places I havent stepped foot.
  4. Negative Ghostrider. Take your hands off the bars and use your hips. See what the bike does. Any transfer of weight left/right of center will initiate a soft lean to one side. It's just not nearly as precise or good to feel.
  5. At first I thought this was about Isaac's Papa. I'm thinking, really, Paul wronging someone at the shop? Lol
  6. That single turbine is $4k...
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTHWBSluUjU&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  8. Wait...wut? Guess the TL is a different beast. The Ape doesn't like buzzing into corners at V_max, piston. It's happiest grunting its way through corners at 5-8k, usually more stable for me and less twitchy for the chassis due to less engine braking.
  9. These are just geo-tags anyways. Just spots where the phone GPS linked for a moment for a picture, application, etc.
  10. Meh. It's a phone. It can be tracked regardless. The GPS tags even show up in your photos if you want to see them.
  11. While this won't be a step-by-step. This is just what I always remind myself when out riding on "less-traveled" roads. It was told to me by a road race instructor in my car many years ago. "Slow in, fast out. Less chance to fuck up." What I mean is, if you go barreling into a corner at warp speed, more than likely you're going to mess something up. Sometimes the right line, entry, and exit may not feel fast but it is.
  12. Lol, this OP was from 3/31/10...
  13. OP, adjust your clutch cable and see if that does anything for the clutch drag. If it's a hydraulic clutch...yeah, have fun...
  14. Mine actually makes it hard to find neutral/engage gears. The things I put up with for my Italian mistress.
  15. Oh I read all of your responses. Twice even. What I'm getting is that you're trying to blame a shop because you're an impulse buyer with no inclination to research a purchase like a helmet before walking into the store. And it's that horrible store's fault for you spending money... I hear Iron Pony has some spectacular knowledge/pricing on helmets. Maybe you should shop there next time.
  16. I really don't see how this is the fault of the shop. They're still in the business of making money and the people behind the desk are salesmen, regardless. This isn't Kayak.com where you will get a list of prices elsewhere to compare. You, as the consumer are responsible for knowing about the product you're buying. You do the research on what you want to buy and then you can make a decision on the spot when they try to sell you that "awesome" part/gear. If you listened to the salesman's speech and took it all in and never thought to look into it yourself...I have no sympathy for you. That being said, the people I worked with there were pleasant, willing to match price to a competitor, and some of them are avid riders. Badmouthing a shop because they told you a helmet was good (which it is) and you bought it for their asking price instead of thinking for yourself is bad form. Good day sir.
  17. I was leading the group down there and had to take the "emergency exit". All of those fookers followed me too. Joke's on them!
  18. Sorry, I'm not a pr0n star. Especially not gay porn, my butthole is too sensitive for that.
  19. The 'priller will literally jump out from under you when engaging first if you aren't holding the brakes when it's cold. Damn Barnett race clutch...
  20. Haha negative Ghostrider. I'm like the marshmallow in a bag of chocolate chips (non-racist usage) at Aprilia meets due to my age.
  21. Um, I'm only 22, and a vast majority of that applies to me.
  22. The "brass knuckle" brake/clutch levers tell me all I need to know...
  23. This made me grin. Been there, lol
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