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Everything posted by RSVDon

  1. Basically the same, after seeing the situation once, I decided I'd just stay to myself up in Flint.
  2. Cheating, shot girlfriends, physical violence, blackmail, extortion, backstabbing....remind me to stay in Dayton where we just ride for fun...
  3. I hope that comment goes into effect. Makes me tingly inside thinking about it next time I want to get on a plane.... I hope that comment crucifys them in court.
  4. RSVDon

    insomnia > me

    After-sex sleep, the best.
  5. There's no hookers option. Shoei RF1k, Alpinestars Stunt leather, Held Thrux gloves, and Sidi Vertigos.
  6. No insurance is by far your best bet. This made me,
  7. There's three containment units on each reactor. Which one is cracked? It was only the primary when i was reading into this yesterday.
  8. This x1trillion. US media sucks ballsack. The world is not about to end and we're not going to experience another Chernobyl. Nobody has stated what kind of radiation it is (which is kind of a big deal), it is probably alpha or beta and no gamma radiation yet. Gamma would be clusterfuck bad. Yes, the inner container is cracked, but there's a secondary and tertiary case over that.
  9. Holy fucking thread-from-the-dead! The OP doesn't lube his chain with WD-40 or use it in addition to chain lube anymore because he never rides anymore.
  10. That's a LOT of weight to maneuver like that.
  11. Ah, all reactors were successfully scrammed during the largest earthquake. No more reactions. That's good.
  12. It's not unheard of. Do you have info that this reactor is a boiling water type where the coolant steam is what turns the turbines? I didn't figure they'd use that setup. It's usually the radioactive coolant which is just circulated between the steam chamber and reactor rods, then a second coolant system is the one that gets boiled to create steam, to turn the turbines. If the system is the latter, there's always going to be one radioactive coolant and one not. Boiling of the radioactive one sucks. Hope that reactor case holds if it were to loose coolant and suffer a meltdown... Chernobyl's reactor did some crazy things with a 11 ft deep concrete slab over top of it....well, WAS over top of it.
  13. Jesus that's not good. I'm not quite sure how those reactors were designed, but if they have the control rods all the way in and they are loosing coolant with pressure still building....um, not good. Temperatures in there could stay high for at least a day even with coolant.
  14. Lots of my Izuzu co-workers trying to reach their families back in Japan right now, unfortunately unsuccessfully due to the power outages and communications issues across Japan. Sucks.
  15. Awwwww shit! You shaved the wrong area. The ladies like to gargle hairless balls, not hairless taint.
  16. CBR isn't nearly as impressive as the guy hustling a Ninja ZX-14 through there.
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