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Everything posted by RSVDon

  1. I pull my Kel-Tec from it's secret compartment in my jacket and light them up. My life is on the line riding, if you provoke, I will kill you.
  2. RSVDon


    Lol, every single one has pretty much identical ergos. Sit on an SV. They're a little longer, so it won't be the same as the others. Also, there's no such thing as "saving on gas" with a sportbike. The money saved goes towards maintenance, tires, or insurance. It's not cheaper, trust me. Oh and....V-twins are God's gift to the motorcycling world. Kbye.
  3. That one was epic. How about the Brass Balls thread and subsequent incidents?
  4. Fat kid wants DO-NUT!!!! Farking Flint doesn't have a Krispy Kreme for at least 40 miles...
  5. My Ape gets 42 mpg on the highway! And 26 mpg on the backroads...Doh!
  6. Thanks bud. If I were to win such a prize, I should throw it on the Ape. Haha
  7. Never saw it before. Loved it. My enginerd comes out when talking about the SR's turbines. Masterpieces they are.
  8. Quit being a Betty Buzzkill, Nick.
  9. Contest ends this time next week. Thanks!
  10. Could anyone with a Facebook profile who wants to vote, go to this link: http://www.facebook.com/nitrousexpress "Like" Nitrous Express and then "Like" my photo please? Mine is the silver GTO with the Monaro front on the track. Screeen name Don Byrley. That would be awesome. Thanks!
  11. I just showed this to my roommate. He's looking to buy his first bike...
  12. Holy shit. Can anyone say horrible design? A rubber mounted swingarm pivot that also happens to have the back of an engine clamped to it? Jesus.
  13. I forgot you were mod-sauce too. I was like Kthanks.
  14. Motherfucker. If someone would spell Philadelphia correctly this wouldn't be an issue.
  15. Annnnndddd go!.... http://www.copblock.org/2187/mark-fiorino-nearly-shot-by-philly-pd-for-open-carrying/ Classy.
  16. I wasn't ballsy enough to take off safe-search or click Google Images. Don't need to see that trainwreck.
  17. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100831181808AApA1Fe
  18. RSVDon

    CAD for a Mac?

    http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1461 There's also an install guide on the website. Boot Camp allows you to install Windows XP on your Mac. Then when you turn it on, you can choose between Mac OSX or Windows operating system. This is what I do to run Unigraphics NX5 on my MacBook Pro.
  19. Lol, no hurtful stabs this time. You're a paramedic anyways aren't ya?
  20. I have no clue whats going on here. So here's a picture of a gay fireman.
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