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Everything posted by RSVDon

  1. Haha, I love the tags: awkward, engineer, jrmmiii. Technically I am an engineer in training as well. 2.5 more years to go. Working at Duramax Diesel now as a co-op. BTW, fuck interns, and fuck yo' coffee.
  2. Oh hell no you didn't! Lol How about socially awkward engineer vs. Less socially awkward female engineer. #1, "Um, hi." #2, "Hi!....." #1, "....Its hot out there eh?" #2, "Yep...."
  3. So now we're up to 5 socially awkward engineers?! Magz, MJ, JRMMiii, EvlTwin, and I?
  4. +1 million! I'm probably the only agressive Ohio driver I know. There's nothing I hate more than seeing an Ohio license plate in front of me while traveling through Michigan.
  5. Last year heading back from Detroit to Flint on I-75 we were cruising in my car around 120 mph late one night with not a soul on the road (car is very stable there, hehehe) and when we got near Grand Blanc I crested a hill to find a city cop in the middle of the interstate. I had time to do nothing but have my heart stop. I decelerated from 115 to 90 and he didn't follow. Thank god!
  6. I had fun. The pulled pork was great! Nice to meet a few of these internet personalities, like JRMMiii, who ended up being exactly the way I had pictured them, lol. The ride home on 42 was nice. Able to do 80ish the whole way. My only dumb moment was getting on the gas going from a 25 to 55 mph limit. Little too much wheelie action as I crested a hill, lol.
  7. NevAr again! Muahahahaha! The Thursday ride seems to work well as long as someone can lead somewhere. As for a Sunday ride, I'd love to get in on what it once was.
  8. Damnit, this means I gotta clean the bike, lube the chain, change the oil, and wax the wheels. And it's raining today...DOH!
  9. Goddamn! He got CLOSE to that guy!
  10. No problem man, this is like my back yard. Hopefully I'll have the rest of that route memorized someday.
  11. The TLR is still a big ol' pig with a retarded rotary dampener.
  12. Don't worry, I'm not a "light-speed" kinda guy. I like taking corners. Meet at the Marathon on SR-35 at 6:45? Please wear a helmet.
  13. Worst comes to worse I can lead what I believe to be all of the Sunday ride. I'm trying to replan it on a map right now.
  14. I dunno. That's up to cattmouch.
  15. That's why you should join! A group ride is way better than sitting in QS&L's parking lot listening to the Hardly tards rev their motors.
  16. RSVDon

    More HD BS

    I bought a V-twin sportbike, she get's the vibes she wants and I get the pussy I want. Done deal. And I didn't have to spend $20,000 to do so.
  17. May be heading to Indiana, if I'm not, I'm in.
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