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Everything posted by RSVDon

  1. I'm not sure who it's through. I got the insurance through Verizon, so it's whoever they use. But my deductible is 50 bucks. I just don't think I want another pearl. I'm tired of it already. I want a bigger screen, better clarity, and a touch ball that doesn't lick ballsack. I really want an iPhone, but i'm not about to go to AT&T to get one. My rate at Verizon on the family plan is too good to give up and I've not been impressed with AT&T's 3G network compared to Verizon's.
  2. No dice, i'm seriously considering the wall theory... It used to be intermittent and it would go away if I'd roll the ball a bit. But I think it's finally bitten the dust and said fuck you. Which sucks because I have like 5 more months and then I can upgrade to a BlackBerry Storm. Grr, stupid Verizon contract.
  3. Lmfao, I typed in smiley with two colons and it gave me a Santa. WTF? Lol
  4. The rollerball on my BlackBerry has decided that it only wants to work in the up direction today. Down? Not possible. Left and right? Of course. Even up is available, but down? Nope, it says fuck you. Who the hell designed this fucker. Not being able to scroll down is fucking my whole damn day up. How the hell am I supposed to scroll the internet on my goddamned phone when I can't even use this stupid fucking trackball to go down. That's the only direction I need right now! Threads go down, pages go down, EVERYTHING goes down! /even your mom\ -see to the left there, I can't even get fucking parentheses. This shit is gay. I want a touch phone. /rant
  5. RSVDon

    KY Ride?

    Hot damn! Sounds good. That's one extra hour of sleep I didn't have yet!
  6. RSVDon

    KY Ride?

    I need someone to follow anyways. But don't expect to leave me for dead in the corners.
  7. RSVDon

    KY Ride?

    Going over the pre-flight checklist now. See ya in the morning.
  8. Also, it never happened while we were running the bikes through the backroads. All was perfectly fine until the end of the run near the highway. So his bike went 2 hours without issue.
  9. His bike would be running perfectly fine, then just instantly start hesitating and cut out. Let it sit for a few minutes and it would start back up and go again perfectly fine.
  10. Man, if I had an RR I'd be all over that CF tail section. That's shit hot! GL with the parts sale man.
  11. Wow, there's two more Milles in Dayton?! lol I wasn't there, only been on base for the museum.
  12. No problem man, shit happens. We waited until 7 pm but any later than that and it gets too dark to ride safely so we had to leave. I've got my variation of a "Sunday ride" that I like now. I'll have to show you one of these days.
  13. Ok, so it's not you. Meh, either way welcome! Hope to see you around. I'm in the Bellbrook area quite often. Fun roads there.
  14. ^ Don't worry, he's full of shit. That was a ninja edit on his part by adding she's not "that" hot.
  15. RSVDon


    I changed my mind, just slap her across the face with your cock and tell her how it is. She'll listen. If she's really bitchy, grab her firmly by the neck and bite down, thus showing that you are the alpha male and that she needs to STFU.
  16. RSVDon


    Wow, I can say that in the corporate world, I've never had anyone be so blatantly bitchy...ever.
  17. Welcome! You don't happen to frequent Dorothy Lane near the Greene a lot do you? I keep seeing an RC51 around there. I luvs teh RCfittyone!
  18. RSVDon


    Why was she so bitchy about it anyways?
  19. LOL! I completely forgot that was there. We were taking 63 out of Lebanon and back to I-75 after our little backroads tour.
  20. Last time I checked, there wasn't a state in the union that has a speed limit north of 80. Also, keep in mind that Ohio has the death penalty for speeding. So be careful.
  21. RSVDon


    Instructions still apply, just add a boob grab after she's knocked out.
  22. RSVDon


    Wow, that's very douchebaggish. Wait by his car after work and make sure you say, "you've been proven wrong bitch!" when bashing his face in.
  23. Must...touch...ass... http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1809969195/trailer
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