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Everything posted by RSVDon

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPdm51QwZEw Fantastic.
  2. Group B Audi....you get the point.
  4. Ohhh you're a mean girl. Problem is, now that I've met you, I'd have a hard time not laughing my ass off at you if you yelled that at me. But I do agree on the brake check thing. That's gay. I had a guy with an Avalanche pulling a trailer today. Cruising through the middle of Kettering with moderate traffic and he just cuts in front of me like I'm not even there. I was in the right lane and he passed me in the left and then cuts me off to get around the car in front of him. I was fuckin' pissed. But decided it was best to just pull up next to him, stare for a second and shake my head and go on.
  5. Looks like a chubby-cheeked Azn hooker. Nice!
  6. Do you smuggle anything other than grapes? Welcome.
  7. Dude! You's alive! Send me a PM if you're gonna take a ride sometime. I'm always up for a ride.
  8. What's the difference between a Harley and a Hoover... The position of the dirt bag! Herro by the way. I think I may have met you before.
  9. RSVDon

    QSL ride

    Thursday is bike night FYI. So I'm more than sure we can get some people. Only one problem bro. You put this in the Toledo section. Mods, can we please move this to Dayton. Por Favor.
  10. I don't tour enough to necessitate a RoadSmart, it's all quick corners for me. lol So outright grip is a must, but I think the Dunlop might suit what I'm looking for as it's got a hard center section. I've put 5800 miles on my bike since March 7th and don't plan on stopping. Double-edged sword, I know. Plus the new Q2 has been putting down over 2 sec faster lap times on many different bikes over the old Qualifiers on the same day and conditions. That's a helluva lot and I currently have Sportmax Qualifiers on there so I guess it can only get better.
  11. Nah, I dunno if I like you enough yet to be your friend. : p

  12. It's gotta be a 190/55/17. These bikes respond really well to that size. I guess I'll just wait until September.
  13. Vasoline is not good, mmk? I'd suggest Astroglide or KY. Now where's gramma?!
  14. Bahahahahahahahahaha! You may be going to hell for that.
  15. Usually the group rides are a sort of by the ear thing. Sometimes they happen, sometimes they don't. Just keep an eye on the Dayton subforum for rides. I've led some rides lately but I'm getting tired of both leading and the same route over and over. So I may take a break for a week.
  16. Where the hell are you man. I came to Dayton expecting to see some supreme riding skillz. And yet you are nowhere to be found. Are you a ghost? Lol
  17. Are they even out yet? I need a new rear tire and want one of these in 190/55/17 but haven't found them yet. Can't stray too far on work internet because they have it locked down. Can someone confirm if these are available yet or not?
  18. RSVDon

    deals gap 8/28

    Oh so enticing, but i'll be at MotoGP drinking my ass off that weekend. Doh!
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