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Everything posted by RSVDon

  1. thank you. For stopping and checking that everything was okay when we were on the side of the road. The bike got running again so we needed no help, but it's the principle of your actions that count. Most people don't stop anymore, so thanks!
  2. Well that was interesting. Oldschool, where did you go? I thought that was a pretty good ride, I hope you guys enjoyed it. I'm not all that good at leading, more of a follow/solo person. Oh well. cattmouch, hopefully you get things sorted out.
  3. Hola, from Quiksilver on SRD. TL-R eh? V-twin power, and sportbike handling? That's quite acceptable.
  4. Anyone who has posted, I will wait for you. If you can't make it, text or call me at 937-902-066seven or post up that you won't be coming. I'll check this thread up until we leave at 6:30 pm. See ya there!
  5. Alright, nobody has set up anything for a ride in the past two weeks. So i'm having one. It'll be a 2.5 hour ride starting at the Marathon off of 35, across from Hidy Honda and next to Lang's Chevy. Start meeting at 6 pm. We leave at 6:30 pm sharp. Anyone is welcome, come on out. Cattmouch, you were asking about a ride, git yer ass down here.
  6. Alright, let's do this shit. Place:Marathon gas station off 35. Across from Hidy Honda. Time: Arrive at 6 pm, leave at 6:30 pm Route: Wherever the hell I lead you. (no bitching) Who's welcome?: Anyone See you guys there.
  7. I'll give you an answer after I take a nap on my lunch break, lol. I'm running on no sleep.
  8. My "C" is in between an "X" and a "V". Where the hell are you getting your "C" from?
  9. I'll join a ride but don't feel like leading one tomorrow. Someone step up please.
  10. You buy a gixxer and i'm disowning your ass. TVS'd TBSS and all.
  11. Cmon Matt, quit being a pussy. Those roads don't really have LEOs, traffic, and stuff to deal with. As long as its early enough in the night to avoid deer. But seriously, I'd rather it be a Sunday ride as well. Thursdays are gonna start getting hard with work now.
  12. ^Lame. You want traction control? Use your right hand. Sure the 600s are definitely fast enough, but I think I like the literbike for the street. I like having the ability to gain speed, have loads of low end torque, and not have to wring the shit out of the bike on the street to enjoy it. For the track, 600 all the way. Street? I'll take a 1k anyday.
  13. +1 No WOW, ever. XBox and PS3 for Gran Turismo here and there but not normally.
  14. Lol, one of my roommates was listening to me talk about the Ducati I rode, she was like, "Don, do you even look at porn? Or do you just get off on motorcycles?" It really is a sickness.
  15. RSVDon


    Yeah, I thought about that. I may have just made that guy's day. lol Oh well, as long as no one else on the road saw. They're afraid of that scary old rat behind the bars.
  16. RSVDon


    Well, today while heading through Dayton I saw on the other side of the road a headlight. It looked like a cruiser so as I got close I gave the typical two finger wave. Well...... It was a scooter. He gave me that flamboyant hand straight up in the air wave. My life is over...
  17. I tried the route again in my head. Almost got it down, but still need to look at the maps, I got lost near the end. I want to get it memorized so I can worry about other things besides where to go. I'll lead a group of 4 or 7 people, done it before, but any larger group than that and I think it'll be a big headache. I respect Nick for being apparently as good as he is at leading rides, or anyone else for that matter. There's a lot to keep an eye on while trying to have your own fun.
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