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Everything posted by RSVDon

  1. O hai there friend! Now get that Mille off your avatar and quit misrepresenting. Doing the Euro bike night sometime soon? I may ride up there for fun.
  2. Pics or GTFO Admittedly I did wear flip-flops, shorts, and a sweatshirt to our volleyball courts from my house once, it's a 3 block affair. I had gloves and a helmet and still felt naked as hell. I hate it.
  3. Refer to previous post of mine. Also, who cares what it sounds like as long as you like it. If the Leo's sound better to you then keep em'
  4. Ahem, Rule #1 sir. And yes, you're right.
  5. The tits are probably pushing the limit. And if I know ya'll within the next 24 hours it WILL be NWS. Although that wasn't my original intention, I'm not complaining.
  6. The freak accident one, the rider had a helmet I believe. Something about getting hit by a Ford Explorer is what ended his life.
  7. RSVDon


    Bad gas mileage FTL.
  8. RSVDon


    Cool! A shower curtain!
  9. Fan-TASTIC! Go HD for this! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNoYogZWti0
  11. Ok, here's the deal. Post up a pic/vid/gif whatever of something that you think is FANTASTIC! Rules are simple: #1 Post FANTASTIC or GTFO. I'll start. is FANTASTIC!
  12. The term soundtrack is often confused with film score, though a soundtrack may also include songs featured in the film as well as previously released music by other artists, while the score does not. A score is written specifically to accompany a film, by the original film's composer(s).
  13. RSVDon


    Psst, check out Sara's intro thread. Midway through.
  14. Doh! Spoken like a true computer nerd.
  15. I searched for you haas. Take your lazy finger and left click.
  16. It's an Apple thing. I dunno if there's anything for Windows but I'm willing to guess there's a program out there somewhere. Maybe this will work? http://awc.smurphy.co.uk/
  17. I have a rotating library of 500+ bike wallpapers that cycle every minute randomly. When I minimized my browser this is what was currently up.
  18. That movie The International is TRUE!! Chase Banks are starting to make hits on people!
  19. Sounds good, next time I'm free.
  20. I had fun meeting everyone, gix girl and her SO, Andre, Will, that was fun. I don't know too many good roads around here but I hope you enjoyed it. Maybe see ya'll up at QS&L on Thursdays. Later!
  21. Doesn't seem all that bad man, some used parts searching and you'd be back in business in no time.
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