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Everything posted by RSVDon

  1. I got one tonight. "Getting something for nothing, just means that the bill hasn't come yet."
  2. Fuck injuring them. Start using bullets and don't stop until they never come over the fence. And if the drug lords want to bring the fight over then eradicate everything.
  3. Um what? I've never seen a bike with differing size stacks from the inside to the outside. As far as I know velocity stacks have to do with smoothing incoming air, accelerating incoming air slightly, and there's some other things involving pressure waves that I still don't understand yet. I've never heard of anyone using stacks to account for a lean/rich condition.
  4. Probably leaking fork seals. Which is why you no longer have any fork oil. Notice fluid near the bottom of the fork? That's fork oil if it's there. Need to remove forks from bike, disassemble, replace seals, refill with fork oil, and reassemble. And no, it's not a novice thing to do.
  5. Dayton crew will be coming in as timely as possible. But could you spare us 5 min for gas? The Mille is a hungry beast.
  6. You're not going to either. Opinion invalid.
  7. Hey, all this negativity...get it the fuck out of my thread! Kthanks.
  8. TTT, updated with location and time. Leave at 7:45 at the latest. We'll drop into C-bus and pick up rawlins87 if he's coming and anyone else then hit 79 to 541 as a warmup if we have time. Expect lots of highway time, yes it sucks, but getting to these roads is worth it. Those who have been there can attest to that.
  9. Andy is thinking of the BP off of I-70 at the 72 junction. Where Competition Accessories is. I think that'll be the better spot to meet. I can hit 4 downtown to get there in decent time and you/Brandt/Crazy Horse can come down from the north and be heading down 70. No need to backtrack.
  10. Meeting point hasn't been set just yet. Considering something around or just past the I70/675 junction so we can just get going towards Coshocton. It's gonna be really early...
  11. I still don't get to meat IP. Oh well, you probably wouldn't like me anywayz.
  12. I'd really suggest not doing HID highs. Hell, you probably won't even use the highs with HID lows. Save your money. And, if you do ever want them, just a purchase away.
  13. K, I'm committing you to this for you. You're coming.
  14. Goddamn 0 gauge for that shit.
  15. Holy shit! Four HID bulbs?!
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