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chevysoldier last won the day on June 29 2022

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About chevysoldier

  • Birthday December 8

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  • Vehicles(s)
    '03 V Star 650 Classic
    '96 FZR600-Sold

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  1. I should have added a throttle lock a long time ago, this is amazing.
  2. Came across this and thought I'd share.
  3. Yep. I started at 38 or 40 psi and ended up really liking it at 32. Feels solid, like you said.
  4. I was at first but I don't even notice now. And then there's photos like this
  5. Mounted a car tire on the V Star this past weekend. I've been doing a bunch of research and finally pulled the trigger. Biggest reasons were cost and tire life. Commuted a few times to work, even yesterday evening in the downpour, and I have to say I like it a lot! Traction going straight is excellent and even in turns feels just as good as a motorcycle tire. I also went from a using a tube to tubeless since I had the tire off.
  6. Post a pic with the sky as the backdrop for your vehicle and then you choose the next challenge, whatever you want. And then someone else will post a vehicle pic per your instructions and they'll think of a new pic challenge
  7. So my windshield was pretty scratched up and wouldn't polish out. So I tinted it to see how it works out. If that doesn't work, might try some of the VHT taillight tint spray paint. Better than paying for a new windshield.
  8. Haven't been on here in quite some time, opened this thread and I guess this is where I left off. I'm not going through nearly 7500 posts 🤣
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