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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. if your daughter knows better than it shouldnt be an issue.

    That's a huge part of it. If they brought up right, the kid, boy OR girl, should never be in this kind of situation. Although parenting only goes so far. You just hope that when it comes down to it, your kids will ultimately make the right decision.

    and chevy i have hopes your daughter grows up to kick any dudes ass that tries it :lol:

    Hell yes she will be. She will be brought up with high standards, morales and self respect. She'll be able to work on her own car, be dead accurate with firearms, be self self sufficient and be able to defend herself against anything. Whether it is a boy trying to take advantage of her on a date or someone breaking into her apartment, she will not go down without a fight. Of course, I'm sure you figured as much Kawi.

    She was playing in a bounce house one time, 2 or 2 1/2 at the time I think. A boy who was 5 kept pushing her. Finally she pulled back and slugged him. He quit bothering her. That was a proud day for me. She didn't start it and gave him a chance to stop but then ended it herself.

  2. I was riding home at night when I had a row of headlights coming at me. I was coming down a slight hill towards a slight curve to the right. All of a sudden I realized a headlight I thought was at the end of the row of headlights, was a bike coming right at me. He was in my lane passing the other cars. We missed by probably 5 feet. Some dumbass on a cruiser. I was shaking the rest of the way home.

    My first interstate road trip on the bike was a Patriot Guard ride to Flushing, MI. Probably about 5 years ago.

    Headed north on 23 toward Toledo well north of Delaware, 5am, 40deg, 75mph. All I can see of oncoming cars is headlights. I passed a semi and hung out in the left lane for a bit. I see headlight coming towards me around the corner but didn't think much about it at first.

    I learned to drive in the UK, and the strict rule there is you drive in the lane closest to the ramps unless you are actively overtaking... So I moved over to the right lane. At that moment I realized the headlights coming towards me were from a car travelling southbound in the northbound fast lane - he whizzed past me (75mph) and he was clearly running full speed (75mph) too. I thought abuout it for a second and then it dawned on me that if I hadn't switched to the right lane just a few second ago I'd have met that guy head-on at a combined speed of 150mph.

    Had to pull over and collect my thoughts before I continued the ride.

    These days I stay right as much as I can.

    They did this on mythbusters. If you two would have hit, that would have been like hitting a wall at 75mph, not 150mph.

  3. I like it. I'd definitely own one.

    Any AdBlocker running? Disable it for ORdN. That's what fixed the Highslide JS/pics issue in Chrome for me.

    But you're on a Mac - just use Safari?

    That's what fixed the issue for me too. I'm using the beta version and not running into many problems with it. Used to be some problems but I see them getting fixed. More and more sites are working with chrome now too.

  4. There are a lot of educators who would LOVE to do the things we're talking about - but it would cost them their jobs.

    Teachers and principals aren't parents, and they shouldn't be expected to "parent" these kids. Frankly, the school shoudln't have to be the one handing out discipline in the first place.

    The problem with being a parent is that it's the most important job in the world, but the only qualification is the ability to fuck.

    I don't have kids though, so it's easy for me to talk out of my ass about parenting - not that having a kid suddenly makes a person an expert. I love when people try to pull that argument...:rolleyes:

    There is a difference between breeding and parenting.

    • Upvote 1
  5. My daughter is 3 years old. My wife and I are more strict on her and hold her to a higher standard than most 10 year olds. She is one of the most well behaved kids and get compliments all the time. Because we are so strict on her, we also give her more responsibility as well and she has become very independent. This is all because we spank her when needed, stern with our words and we don't back down. Yet we are fair to her as well. You don't go over board and abuse your role as being a parent. No I am able to say two words to her in a firm voice and she will knock off whatever she is doing nearly instantly. "At ease." It's an army thing but it works.

  6. Yeah the click was a spent round. I have heard some people carry a spent round in wheel guns for some reason? Maybe so they dont shoot cops in the face?!!

    I've never heard that. I personally think that's dumb to do, gives you one less round in the gun. To each their own though.

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