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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. I saw those on the discovery channel a few days ago. Worked great on cars. They slowed it down and did not push it back into traffic. Of course, they have to be set up correctly. Have no Idea what that would do to a motorcycle.

  2. :wtf: youre suggesting its a good idea for children to be handling weapons to solve bullying issues?

    what about when a ricochet hits an innocent did? or a kid trying to stop the fight, gets stabbed on accident? or the kid totally snaps and decided to just harm as many people as they can, regardless of who it is. columbine? vt? really dude?

    I don't think kids should have guns or weapons in school but I have no problems with teachers being trained and proficient enough to have a gun in school. Maybe a little LCP they can keep in their pocket. At Columbine, a teacher had his CHL but couldn't even keep it in his car on school property. So when the shooting took place, her had to run a mile or two to where his car was parked, get the gun and run back.

  3. The wife just doesn't see the need for a having a gun in our house. Until recently, she had more range time than I did - but she's totally happy to leave the gun at the range.

    she thinks a home invasion would never happen in our neighborhood, and if it did, our dog would alert us of the intruder and likely scare him away.

    I'm less optimistic (did I mention she's pretty liberal?) about the odds of a home invasion, and I laugh at the notion that Henry is going to react to a home invader, let alone do anything resembling protecting us from one.

    Our dog is energetic, but "ferocious," he is not.


    Before I got my CHL I carried around the house all the time (I still do). My wife used to get on me about it a little bit. Saying no one would break in and I didn't need it. We were watching the news one night and we hear "An armed intruder burst into a home and opened fired on a couple watching television." I think someone was killed. I turned to my wife and asked her if she still minded me carrying around the house. Her reply was "Absolutely not."

    I would pull articles about someone saving their life with a concealed hangun. Like that old lady at the horse races a while back. Or where a gun could have saved their life and didn't. Showing stuff like this to her helped out a lot.

  4. is this rare? perhaps its more common than we think for the dogs to wake up....perhaps theyre often buried or cremated before the drugs wear off...i doubt most people have the dog put down, wrap it in a blanket, and let it sit in their garage over night....ide be interested in seeing them look into it a little more and see if perhaps, given time, more dogs awake from it
    Thanks for that little seed.

    Yeah, no kidding. I had visions of this happening to my dog now. We put her down, and after about a half hour of balling my eyes out, buried her in the back yard. I think any dogs I have down the road, I may just sit in the garage over night to be sure. This breaks my heart.

    Thats messed up! I had a dog that had a stroke and was lame on the one side. It broke my heart to put him down. I don't think I would have been able to watch it be done a second time.

    I don't know that I could do it a second time either. Would be way too tough. I'm sure someone will chime in with using a firearm, I'm not sure I could do that.

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