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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. 64/400...we'll have to work on that. But like Recon I am a little (LOT) older and have the advantage of an education before they dumbed it down. I know we have a Constitution that is supposed to be the supreme basis of all our laws and has been blatantly disregarded since the days of FDR (and before to a lesser extent) and his threat to stack the supreme court so he could get his way.

    I have a very simple stand of all of this and therefore don't argue semantics. It is ALL UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Article 1 Section 8 lays it out and no where in there is anything about health care or any of the numerous other things the Congress has shackled us with.

    Yeah, the schools have a lot to do with it. One big viscous cycle.

  2. Yeah Attackpainter got his panties in wad and decided he wanted to throw a hissy fit as a sponsor while insulting some board regulars.

    I ninja edited on you. At first I didn't see his thread, then went back and changed it.

    That's one thing I enjoy about ORDN. It isn't just motorcycles. This is a whole world of it's own. A gathering of ideas and views. Life isn't a fairy tale where everything is perfect and I can ride off into the sunset whenever I want. Stuff happens in the world and pretending that it is otherwise is plain dumb. There are plenty of other sites that are strictly dedicated to motorcycles. But this site blends everything everyone encounters everyday. If I think what fusion says about Obama is complete bull shit, I can choose to argue my point with him, or close the stupid thread. (Not picking on you fusion, just an example.) So many people bitch about this site being over modded, or Casper plays favorites, or the mods can post in closed threads, whine whine whine. Seems when someone gets banned or leaves there are three more people ready to take their place.

    • Upvote 2
  3. You're actually on the anytime list bish, you know that.

    :banana: I know this. :D

    Lol! I really didn't shoot much honestly I just talked with everyone. If we had more fresh targets I prob would have. I could never tell where I was hitting lol

    Very true. That's why I kept hitting the steel. At least you could hear when you hit.

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