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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. I don't understand why it's our problem to clean up? Why throw US resources at this? Why is the solution to have OUR Armed Forces deal with it?

    People decry NATO saying it's dumb and we shouldn't be the world police, then turn around and say the solution is to declare war on something that knows no geographic bounds and use our resources to deal with it. What am I missing here? :dunno:

    Just to clarify, I would just like to secure our border. Let them fight it out and kill themselves off. Once the population is down, we can go ahead and add another state to the union. Call it Newer Mexico.

  2. I remember a saying: "Every bullet you send down range has a lawyer tied to it". I think society tries way too hard to make people scared to defend themselves. It's almost a round about way to gun control. FZRMatt is absolutely correct. Just because someone looks as if they are retreating doesn't mean they are. This brings me to another saying: "Anyone found here during the night will still be found here in the morning"

  3. Work with the Mexicans to improve living conditions for average citizen, that'll remove the incentive to join the cartels and at the same time remove the incentive to cross our border.

    Or we catch them and send them to some other 3rd world country.

  4. Sad. This is why I have no desire to go to Mexico. We need to lock the stupid border down.

    Reimbrandt-Abrams would be overkill and not practical. Would be a good idea to have a few down there but the majority should be Bradley fighting vehicles.


  5. Both eyes, although I don't know if that's the way we were taught because I have always shot with both eyes open. I am right handed but left eye dominate so using both eyes helps that. Never had an issues using both eyes to shoot with the aim point.

    They would all take a beating and I never saw one break that I can recall. The end of ours had a honeycomb insert so at to help keep light from hitting it and giving away our position. I don't know if the civilian version has those.

  6. We used the Aimpoint style on our M16s in Iraq. They worked pretty well, even in bright sunlight. Although they used to come on by accident all the time because we would sling them on our backs and the knob would get turned on by accident. Seemed like the batteries lasted a good long while though. lol Never used the eotechs.

  7. We can scan, however, in a large city or with a big event the radio is so busy with the radio traffic from your own talk group that it is almost impossible. I know that a lot of the suburbs monitor our air, but we can't do the same.

    I guess that would be a lot of radio traffic, but I would think something could be done to help that. But then, I'm not the one who deals with that.

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