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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. I'm not gonna lie I was nervous as hell. After I got settled in and my timing down I was right up there close to ben. I had 7 or 8 then josh fucked me with a broken one and thew off my next shot. I have never shot in front of that big of a crowd before lol.

    Don't blame me, you should have been able to hit that. lol

  2. I followed the crowd and got an 870, finally got a chance to shoot it this weekend at some clays as well as some targets. Mine is the same as chevys but mine came with the seven shot extension and I plan on getting ATIs pistol grip stock with adjustible stock length and cheekpad as well as being foldable.

    Get on cheaperthandirt.com.

  3. I as well as most others here know that gun shops, LE and military all allow morons in their ranks. If they didn't they'd be in violation of the EOE laws. ;)

    I resemble that comment. :lol:

    you better bring your A game because there will be 20-30 damn good shooters here.


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