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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. For those that don't know, here is the dollar off coupon. http://cegunshows.com/GeneralInformation/Coupon/tabid/58/Default.aspx
  2. These are the general numbers I have seen as far as gun ownership is concerned: http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/united-states That means the government, military and police, have a rough total of 3,951,953 firearms, still 266,048,047 less the the general public has. Sure the government has bigger and better guns, but an all out war would leave the country a desolate wasteland. About 68:1 in favor of the general public. According to the US census, in July 2011 the population was 311,591,917. Wiki cites active military personnel is 1,456,862 and Reserve personnel is 857,261 for a total of 2,314,123. Bureau of Labor Statistics says there are 794,300 police and detectives in the US. Population not including military or police, 308,483,494. Number of military and police, 3,108,423. About 99:1 in favor of the general public. http://www.bls.gov/ooh/protective-service/police-and-detectives.htm According to a 2005 Gallup pole, 30% of Americans own a gun. Personally I believe it to be higher due to many not wanting the government to know. But that means 93,477,575 of American's own a gun. Now remember there are only 3,108,423 police and military in the US which means there are 90,369,152 more people that own a gun than the number of police and military.That's 3007% more if I did the math correctly. http://www.gallup.com/poll/20098/gun-ownership-use-america.aspx Just some food for thought.
  3. Combat tourniquet. You can apply it you yourself extremely quick and easily. http://combattourniquet.com/ . I also have multiple army issue field dressings kept in my car or go bags.
  4. I've been using the same digital casio for maybe 6-8 years. Atomic time is what I like most about it due to the fact that in LE and military, a lot of times you need to know the exact time. The strap for the band broke so it now has a rubber band instead and the light had been messing up. I think it's time for a new one but I'm having a hard time deciding. I'll probably go with a casio as they are pretty reliable and durable in my opinion. main requirements are digital, atomic, solar, stop watch, back glow (not the little white light on one side) shock and water resistant. Maybe a compass if it's not too expensive.
  5. And HArvard is left so I'm sure their "studies" are tweaked to reflect what they want. "In **% of crimes with guns, someone is killed." They don't mention if it was justified self defense, they just lump it all together. I've seen it time and time again. http://rense.com/general9/gunlaw.htm I think if a teacher is willing to carry, they should be allowed. They would need to qualify and obtain a CHL, take quality firearms training, crisis classes, run drills in their schools, and work with the local PD to develop plans and facial recognition or another way to ID good guys. They should also work with the teachers who don't want to carry so they can be included in the plans. The teachers don't need to carry a big .45. A pocket carried .380/38 would be fine. CHL records are only to be seen by the principle or other high officials, kept off school property. Local PD maybe? Strict regulations such as no faculty speaks of who carries or doesn't. While on school grounds, the gun doesn't leave the holstered area. If it needs to, it is done in a secure location like the principal's office with a locked door and goes into a safe. The school needs to practice good drills, not the "oh here is another fire drill, let's take our time getting outside" Locking the doors and the students exiting out the windows, get the hell out! Don't sit waiting for help to arrive. We have created a society that has been brought up to be a victim. We need to get rid of the "it can't happen to me" mentality. Guns are not the problem. Society being trained to think guns are inherently evil, that it is better to be a victim, that someone who has personal bodyguards with semi-auto rifles can say you don't need one of those, the media tilting the stats and creating fear there that doesn't exist, parents that don't discipline or hold their children accountable, all the mental institutions being closed and those people released.... The world isn't roses and cotton candy. There are evil people in the world and they will harm you if given the chance. Elbows or a polite "please" won't make them think twice about taking your life if they feel the need or desire. I'm tired and starting to lose my train of thought.... just my 1.5 cents
  6. Worded like that, if you have a new officer he might think that he is supposed to have you do something. I'd stick with the "I have a concealed handgun permit and I am currently armed. It is located ______." This is also short and to the point and lets the officer to go back to what he is doing.
  7. I do disagree with the wording "pack heat"...make it sound gangsta. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,404721,00.html
  8. More than I feel like posting. http://www.buzzfeed.com/mattbellassai/45-people-you-wont-believe-actually-exist-6z51
  9. Just got TWC today, basic package. This is on the wireless.
  10. Try to keep it simple. If you want a hammer and an axe in your bag, instead of yep separate tools, get one with both. Pack 550 paracord. Can be used for lashing on a shelter our your bag, traps, the inner threads for sewing, etc. Playing cards, boredom sucks. Magnesium strip for fires as well as lighters and or matches. Water purification tablets. Mess kit with utensils. Learn how top make soap from ashes. Small camo net good for shade or a hammock too. Book of edible plants. Flashlight and batteries our a solar charger. Red lens for being tactical. Extra socks and underwear. sun washing clothes is good too know how to do. Chapstick as well as basic medical supplies. A tourniquet. Learn how too adapt. A brace from your ruck can be used as a splint. Of course water. A camel bak is great to have. water proof bag for keeping dry what must stay dry. Hat and sunglasses, sunscreen even in winter. Compass. Maps. Water proof notebook and pencils. Fixed blades and a folder. Multttool like a leatherman. Needle and thread. .22, a larger caliber handgun, rifle and ammo for all. Spare mags. Basic cleaning kit. It's all what you want to be able to do, have space for and how long to last. There is a lot more I could add but it sucks on my phone and that is off the top of my head.
  11. Face-Chewing Victim Ronald Poppo Speaks Out. VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4zdIxX6s0g
  12. Maybe they'd like jporter's pillow.
  13. How much have you had to drink tonight Gump? Your replies are showing it. lol
  14. This is idiotic logic and a slanted comparison. If you were smothering someone with a pillow and they couldn't get out, it would probably be deemed justifiable for them to shoot you. They were in fear for their life, you had control of the situation, their only way to survive was to shoot you.
  15. So you told him "multiple times" and yet you left your bike there and then complain when he wrecks it? I fail to see the logic here.
  16. Found this in Ninjadad's intro thread. So he laid your bike down before but you want him to get a Can-Am so you can ride it but he can't ride your (his) bike?
  17. Not gonna I lie, I laughed at that but I do feel a bit sorry for him.
  18. Why would your dad be riding a pink scooter?
  19. WD40 on the barrel only. I spray it, let it soak while I clean everything else than brush and dry, good as new. I use Hoppe's dri-lube on moving parts.
  20. tree, chain and lock. May only slow them down but better than nothing. Sorry bud, I hate thieves.
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