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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. If the kid would have thrown elbows, he wouldn't have gotten shot. Simple as that. I only read magley's posts for the lulz
  2. Screw USAA. Once you're out, they don't give two shits about you.
  3. Ill sell you one for $0.75.
  4. I'm 27, nothing current on my record. Just me on the policy. 95 Olds 88 $28/mo and 96 FZR 600 $99/yr both state minimum through Geico. I get the MSF discount and I think good driver.
  5. http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/apexchange/2012/11/25/us--casey-anthony.html
  6. My understanding is the Sigma was to (attempt to) replace police issued revolvers. They made the trigger heavy to replicate the heavy trigger pull on the revolvers. A light trigger was leading to negligent discharges because no one was used to it.
  7. Repost and I embedded properly. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=96488&highlight=revenge
  8. It's grown on me a little. I just wish we'd get one that you say "Hey, that's pretty cool" and just leave it alone.
  9. Can you sell all your camping gear/guns/food/etc so the zombie apocalypse will finally happen?
  10. It's ok I guess, could be worse. Do other states change their plates as often as Ohio? Release date: April 15, 2013
  11. Looks like you got it! yay! lol How many fingers am I holding up?
  12. You can upload to a image hosting site, then link from there.
  13. Can't see them. You can't link from your email. You'll see them but no one else will.
  14. At least wait until after Thanksgiving! We're in too much of a hurry...
  15. Glad you're ok. May 2006 mine was rupturing during surgery, was in the hospital for a week while they dosed me full of antibiotics. Also got the joy of having a tube up my nose into my stomach for some fluid for a scan to see if it was my appendix. That was uncomfortable as hell.
  16. http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2012/11/15-states-including-texas-have-filed-a-petition-to-secede-from-the-united-states-2494002.html
  17. Do not try to lean the bike — that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth: there is no bike. Then you'll see, that it is not the bike that leans, it is only yourself.
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