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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. the tax and permit thing are local laws. some places have them some don't.

    I found out about it from a neighbor. the city came to their yard sale and asked for their permit. what a fucking crock of bullshit that is. if you have a permit for something like that the tax people know about it. if you have work done they send a person out to do a property tax evaluation. any way they can steal a buck from you they will

    Cool, I learned something new. I have only had a couple of garage sales myself, and they were all when I was military. No permit needed.

  2. Tips have been taxed for decades upon decades. You are also "supposed" to report what you purchased online to the State of Ohio so they can apply sales tax to that too. This has been happening for years.

    Chev, I'm all for increasing discourse, but fearmongering and inflammatory titles like "the government is going to suck you dry" isn't exactly the way to go about doing it, unless you want people to be inflammatory and fearmongering in return.

    Eh, I just wanted to make it something to catch attention. :D

  3. ^---- This.

    Were you not aware, chevy? You thought tips weren't taxed?

    They're rarely claimed, but they're supposed to be.

    Yeah, I vaguley remeber seeing "tips" on my tax returns, but I have never gotten tips, so I never really thought about it. What really surprised me was the side jobs/summer jobs being taxed. I guess if the kid is 14, can't drink, can't vote he is still expected to pay taxes becuase he mowed the neighbors lawn.

    this post just proves you are so young and naive. you should really stop posting these since it's obvious you are uneducated about the subject at hand and you're trolling for argument sake.

    they've always taxed your tips. long before you were a twinkle in your daddy's eyes.

    oh and guess what, did you know you are supposed to apply for yard sale permits so they can tax your earnings? look it up.

    the gov taxes your taxes too. that's why I think it's great so many people stay on unemployment right now. it's a big fuck you to the gov. for years and years people are taxed to death it's about time they get what's rightfully theirs.

    Regarding tips, see above.

    As far as yard sales, after spending a few minutes, I could not locate this law for state or federal levels, only local levels. So could you please point out where this is written at? Since you are all-knowing I mean.

    I can't wait until I am your age so there will be nothing left for me to learn. Must be cool. I Have you not read any of my other posts on here? I'll be the first to tell you I don't know everything. I like debate, I like getting discussions going. It allows me to expand my thinking. Debate is the key to the knowledge. Knowledge is the key to the universe.

    I think I'll wait until the next time you post something incorrect and naive. Then I will point it out to you, say your dumb and should quit replying to stuff. :rolleyes:

  4. I guess if you lend someone some money, that should be taxed too.


    Whether you are working as a waiter or a camp counselor, you may receive tips as part of your summer income. All income you receive from tips is taxable income and is therefore subject to federal income tax.

    Many students do odd jobs over the summer to make extra cash. Earnings you receive from self-employment are subject to income tax. These earnings include income from odd jobs like baby-sitting and lawn mowing.

  5. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38750414/ns/politics/

    WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama earned his lowest marks ever on his handling of the economy in a new Associated Press-GfK poll, which also found that an overwhelming majority of Americans now describe the nation's financial outlook as poor.

    Eleven weeks before the Nov. 2 balloting, just 41 percent of those surveyed approve of the president's performance on the economy, down from 44 percent in April, while 56 percent disapprove. And 61 percent say the economy has gotten worse or stayed the same on Obama's watch.

    It's all Bush's fault anyways. :rolleyes:

  6. No imagination or creativity. :nono:

    So don't REALLY use a used tampon, just cover one with salsa and let it sit out in the sun for a little while. It doesn't HAVE to be real, the victim just has to THINK it's real.

    Hell, it'd be really funny if he confronted you and you licked it. That would really f*(k with his brain.

    You have a warped mind, with all due respect. :p

  7. i was at my ex gfs house and her dog got in the bathroom trash and found a bloody tampon and was chewing on it and ripping it up and it came out and rubbed its face on my jeans and little pieces of bloody tampon were clinging to my jeans


    thats fricken gross

  8. Put some used tampons on his windshield, or under his door handles.

    Cooter blood is pretty gross. Won't fix your bike problem, but it'd be funny to watch him if you get that motion sensitive camera.

    Then you can post it on youtube for us. :D

    :lol: This reminds me. when I was in high school, there were two girls that were always arguing. They hated each other. On of them put a used tampon in the other girl's locker. It was hilarious.

  9. Yeah cuz that shit gets super hot at night and she didn't notice that her side stand was stuck in the pavement :p

    This is Gen3 we are talking about here. :D Geesh, I get criticized for trying to be helpful, by you of all people on here. :p:lol:

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