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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. There was a whole show dedicated to long range shots like that one.

    It was a pretty sweet day on the history channel.

    Yeah I think this shot was on that, was a bad ass show.

    Ive shot that same weapon at a 1 mile target. Its entertaining.

    And if you dont believe me, I have vid of it.

    Nice. Been next to them while they've been shooting one of these, just never shot one myself.

    yes! fucking yes! JIZZ IN MY PANTS!


  2. Another:


    DENVER -- A law that makes it illegal to lie about being a war hero is unconstitutional because it violates free speech, a federal judge ruled Friday as he dismissed a case against a Colorado man who claimed he received two military medals.

    Rick Glen Strandlof claimed he was an ex-Marine who was wounded in Iraq and received the Purple Heart and Silver Star, but the military had no record he ever served. He was charged with violating the Stolen Valor Act, which makes it a crime punishable by up to a year in jail to falsely claim to have won a military medal.

  3. I think this is bull. There are brave men and women who have received decorations for heroic acts and yet these scum bags can tell everyone the have done something they haven't. To me you are lying about a federal order, which is wrong. Although it doesn't surprise me that this was in Cali.

    PASADENA, Calif. -- A three-year-old federal law that makes it a crime to falsely claim to have received a medal from the U.S. military is unconstitutional, an appeals court panel in California ruled Tuesday.

    A panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals sided with him in a 2-1 decision Tuesday, agreeing that the law was a violation of his free-speech rights. The majority said there's no evidence that such lies harm anybody, and there's no compelling reason for the government to ban such lies.

    The dissenting justice insisted that the majority refused to follow clear Supreme Court precedent that false statements of fact are not entitled to First Amendment protection.


  4. My cousin went to MI for college and he stated that they didn't feel as strongly as OSU did towards the games. Now, when it was a game that determined a championship? Sure. Even when MI sucked and OSU was possibly going to win the championship, they wanted to beat them.

    Is there hate and distaste for each other? Sure. But he always said that it was more on the side of OSU fans and such than from the MI side...

    Also, have you met an OSU fan that wasn't psycho? I mean, over the top crazy psycho for the team. I went to OSU and hated it. I'm a MI fan and an FSU fan. The way OSU fans do things is so over the top. In general, they are a bit more crazy than most. As proof when they go to a bowl game. The amount of fans and the presence of OSU outweighs any other team they ever play - no matter how far away they travel...

    That speaks loads right there where this is all going. Psycho fans hate the split. The people that are normal and enjoy good competition and good football see it as a change that may lead to an actual play off and establish a true way to find the National Championship team out there...

    This is exactly why I hate OSU/college football. Most OSU fans are mental.

  5. With Amsoil motorcycle oil you can extend your drain interval to twice what the manufacturer recomends regardless of what filter you use. It is the Automotive oils that require use of Amsoil filters for the 25,000 miles oil change intervals.

    Really? I was just on the site a few days ago pricing my oil. I swear it said only with the Amsoil filter can you go the extended interval. Maybe I am mistaken, but I'd rather use their filter anyways.

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