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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Conceal? Go ahead rock it where people can tell you have it on. The way I look at it who is going to screw with the guy carrying a hand cannon? I use my full size .45 xd as my carry gun. If I really feel like concealing it I use my tshirt holster. Its a lot like an under armor shirt with "pockets" that sit like a shoulder holster.

    Uh oh. Did you miss the drama with my OC thread? :lol:

  2. Nothing to envy. My spotter, crazy Mexican named Eligio Castillo, tells me in an OP-FP we are stuck in, under observation, in full ghillie, till nitefall. "Hey, I gotta pee." Well hell, no real options here, so I say "go for it, piss". He says "OK.... I did" Now he's on the spotting scope on my right hip & now my Leg gets all warm & wet... and I have to go, so I did. A day later we meet up with our parent elemnet and a old , crusty SF Master SGT is talking to us and said " WTF STINKS?" My spotter says, "That's just us, we pee on each other." He responds "Typical Snipers, you guys are all sick bastards." Thanks, Lee, one of the high points of my military career.

    Oh man that's some funny shit, thanks for the laugh. sounds like fun!! :lol:

  3. Cool, seems you seldom find couples on the same board. My other half belongs to a couple but he's mostly a lurker.

    Yeah, she doesn't post a whole lot on here though.

    Whatever, she only gets on here to talk to me anyway she doesnt even read your posts.

    Whatever you have to tell yourself.

  4. So what you're saying is I have to keep my eye on you. Duly noted. Don't make me shake my finger at you really hard.

    Toledoish is an obscure suburb of Toledo.

    Nah, we've never met. But that's what I call a proper welcome.

    Oh, it isn't me you have to watch out for, my wife gets on here from time to time. :D I won't say any names but there is a rider on a 1000rr you might need to watch out for.

  5. When I was researching my High Standard a while back I cam across this site. http://disc.yourwebapps.com/Indices/226190.html. I posted up the s/n and he was able to give me this information:

    shipped as a catalog number 9101 on 3/5/1955 to account number 8125 on invoice number 27803

    If you post up some high quality, clear pictures he can give you an estimate of the value. I never did that because it's invaluable to me so it doesn't matter what someone says it's worth. Those High Standards have a soft spot with me.

  6. A new supermarket opened in

    Davenport, Iowa . It has an automatic water mister to keep the produce fresh. Just before it goes on, you hear the sound of distant thunder and the smell of fresh rain.

    When you pass the milk cases, you hear cows mooing and you experience the scent of fresh mown hay.

    In the meat department there is the aroma of charcoal grilled steaks with onions.

    When you approach the egg case, you hear hens cluck and cackle, and the air is filled with the pleasing aroma of bacon and eggs frying.

    The bread department features the tantalizing smell of fresh baked bread & cookies.

    I don't buy toilet paper there anymore.

  7. Welcome to ORDN!

    CBRGirl, I read that as "Lets go Penis" at first and realized it was pens. Thought that was weird.

    Welcome to the site...thats a hell of a first bike. Hope it works out as well as it did/does for me. Love me some 636s.

    She's had that for forever and I still look at it and think is says penis. :nono:

  8. Yea, that was wrong, but in the grand scheme -- that still makes GWB ok because he wasn't under oath and lied? :wtf:

    To me, oath or not, a liar is a liar -- now, depending on what we're talking about will depend how much of a douchebag you are in my eyes. BJs don't kill innocent soldiers -- well, except when Inya was in the military. His uniform was ordered to have this stitched on it.


    Tens of thousands of people didn't die over it.

    But yet a normal person would have had what charges brought against them for lying under oath? Perjury? Why even swear an oath in court if you can lie. Why swear an oath to the military if you can reap some benefits of it witouth actually serving.

    Look at it this way. Impersonating a cop is against the law because you could do it to potentially rob someone, pull them over or generally gain the upper hand in a situation. Someone impersonating a police officer is potentially harmful to others.

    Now, although I agree that our military personal deserve our utmost respect and honor. I don't see someone lying about it as a threat to society. No one is going to pull me over on the highway with their purple heart or arrest me with their medal of honor.

    If we wanted to go down the honor road then there are a lot of people that deserve our respect and the slippery slope of convicting liars because it disrespects a person that truly deserves our respect is pretty steep.

    I really think we need to differentiate between people deserving a very high level of respect and honor for the great things they have done for our country and people who could be considered a threat to our society.

    What kind of chaos would there be if every car on the road was a cop car whether the people were cops or not? You can buy police auction cop cars, but the lights and decals have to be removed. What if they weren't. What kind of havoc could a mischievous kid cause with that, or worse and killer, rapist or child molester.

    Would the same chaos in sue if everyone on the road had veteran plates or was wearing medals of honor or purple hearts? No, it'd be a disgrace to our military, but no one would be at risk like the above example.

    So I guess the point is, no one here disagrees that our military deserves respect and honor. You just need to draw the line somewhere on what is criminal and what is not and that line is somewhere between threat to society and disrespect.

    You can't get veteran plates without proof. Can't get purple heart plates without orders.

    What if I wanted to buy lights and stick them on my car? I didn't pull anyone over, I didn't arrest anyone. I didn't hurt anyone. I just wanted to get some respect for being a cop?

    And we are not talking about respecting a person at all. Its respect of the military.

    This is why we are in half the shit were are in now anyways. No body has any fucking morals anymore.

  9. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

    If you are, then you'll have to explain how getting a BJ really hurt anything? Or, how it's the same or similar as sending our troops into battle to lay their lives on the line over a lie?

    @Inya -- I know right? You'd think a Prez could get much better trim than that heifer.

    He was under oath. He lied.

    I guess i'm still waiting for an answer as to WHY lying about military honors should be a crime, or under what circumstances?

    you don't have to convince me that it's a douchey thing to do; just why it should be criminal.

    Sure, I can lie about having an award and not gain anything from it, monetary wise. But misleading the public or your fellow troopers is wrong. The military fighting man is a position that should not be tarnished by fuck sticks that think it is okay to say they got a purple heart when the didn't. It detracts from the real meaning of the awards and hinders the military. If enough people see soldiers in this kind of light, the support for them will suffer. How many people on here complain about bikers doing stupid shit and a lot of the public hates all bikers based on those select few.

    The military is quite different from the general public. There is a certain set of rules and honor that goes with it. Loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, personal courage. Those are the army's core values.

    My main point about lying is the fact that you are lying about orders, government paperwork. It's no different than impersonating a government official. There are orders making them a government official. If there really was nothing to gain from this, why do it in the first place? If they want to fake their honors, let them be tried by military tribunal.

  10. Indeed, if the Act is constitutional

    under the analysis proffered by Judge Bybee, then there

    would be no constitutional bar to criminalizing lying about

    one’s height, weight, age, or financial status on Match.com or

    Facebook, or falsely representing to one’s mother that one

    does not smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, is a virgin, or has

    not exceeded the speed limit while driving on the freeway.

    The sad fact is, most people lie about some aspects of their

    lives from time to time. Perhaps, in context, many of these

    lies are within the government’s legitimate reach. But the

    government cannot decide that some lies may not be told

    without a reviewing court’s undertaking a thoughtful analysis

    of the constitutional concerns raised by such government

    interference with speech.

    But lying on eharmony isn't lying about government orders.

  11. i know cali is the land of fruits and nuts... but thats just where the court happens to be located. the 9th covers cali, washington, oregon, montana, idaho, nevada, hawaii and arizona. if you have beef in any of those states that makes it to the circuit court, you have to go to san francisco, because thats where they built the courthouse.

    just like ohio is in the sixth circuit, along with kentucky, michigan and tennessee. if you have a case in tennessee that makes it to the circuit, you go to cincinnati.

    this specific case actually originated in colorado.

    also, all three of the judges were appointed by george w. bush.

    the ninth circuit has the most overturns by the supreme court, however they also do hear the most cases of any circuit court and have the most decisions move on to the supreme court.

    Okay, please show me where this case originated in Colorado, and that Bush appointed 3 of these judges. And was the one who voted to uphold the law appointed by Bush? If the 9th covers cali, washington, oregon, montana, idaho, nevada, hawaii and arizona, and this originated in Colorado, why did it go to the 9th?

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