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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Wait... there was an Ohio bonus for Vietnam??? Never heard of it.

    doesn't surprise me. Ohio has always been one of the top states for military service, since the civil war. Seems to follow that Ohio would have the bonus now and back for Vietnam.

  2. Interesting read from military.com.

    Background Screening Hit Ratio Report 2007

    Kroll's 2007 Hit Ratio Report provides key statistics for the seven most common employment screening criteria, plus detailed analyses of industry-specific hit ratios for 13 industries. It is derived from a sample of Kroll’s Background Screening clients across a variety of industries and company sizes.
    If you’re working in construction, there’s a good chance you’re laboring next to someone with a criminal past. But if you’re working in the nonprofit sector, you’re more likely to be sitting next to someone who has lied about his education.

    Those differences came to light when Kroll analyzed “hit ratios” for the eight most common employment screening criteria to calculate what proportion of the potential employees it screened for various industries stretched the truth or left important information off their applications.

    It found that more than 51 percent of real estate industry folks had at least one late payment on their credit history, 48 percent lied about former employment and more than 40 percent had a not-so-clean driving record. In financial services, nearly 7 percent of applicants had criminal records, nearly 48 percent fudged something about former employment and 21 percent lied about their educational credentials. Those in education flunk drug testing at the highest rate, nearly 9 percent.

    “Based upon the results we see, people at all levels stretch the truth,” says Barry Nadell, a senior vice president of Kroll’s Nashville-based Background Screening division.


    LCPL Richard Turner

    Hamilton, OH

    Returning from Operation Enduring Freedom

    Welcome Home:

    LCPL Richard Turner

    Hamilton, Ohio

    United States Marine Corps

    Welcome Home Location:

    Dayton International Airport

    Friday, 27 August 2010@2115 hrs-(9:15 PM )

    Southern Staging Location:

    North Bound Rest Area, Mile Marker 28, I-75

    STAGING TIME: Friday,27 Aug 2010@1900hrs-(7:00PM )

    Airport Staging Location:

    Corner of Terminal Dr. and Boeing Dr. (Old Hotel)

    STAGING TIME: Friday,27 Aug 2010@2000hrs-(8:00PM )

    District #7 Ride Captain Mike Hamilton is assigned this Welcome Home Mission. Please be on hand to help us welcome LCPL Turner home.


    Mike Hamilton

    District #7 Ride Captain


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