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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. BRC test is off set.

    The DMV test is not off set.

    My DMV test was offset last year. Making it easy for all these whipper snappers these days.

    Chevysoldier got the rear tire off the ground for the panic stop in our class, on the DR200 (I think that's what it was.) Also, one of the instructors managed to drag peg during the swerve exercise.

    I got it up quite a few times on that DR200. Instructor just laughed at me. I had never done a stoppie until then, haven't done any since either. lol

    I did drag a peg once but that was due to the uneven pavement. I used all available tread on those tires. :D

  2. I don't get it. He hit the guy in the truck in the face-- therefore it sounds like he was in front of the vehicle. Doesn't a 5000+ pound truck accelerating toward you count as a deadly weapon?

    Is there some quirk in Colorado law that governs self defense on the property but outside the home? Like a 'duty to retreat' sort of thing?

    From the information available so far, it doesn't sound like old dude did anything I wouldn't have done in his place. What is the prosecutor's justification for charging him on this?

    I'm just plain cornfoosed.

    The only thing I could think of was the prosecutor said he should have let them take off and not put himself into the situation of getting run over. But I agree with what you said.

  3. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38162451/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts/

    The killer earned the "Grim Sleeper" nickname after taking a 14-year hiatus between slayings and re-emerging in 2002 to take three more victims.


    The trail began to heat up when the DNA of Franklin's son was entered in a state database after he was convicted in a weapons case, authorities said. The son's DNA was similar to genetic material found on the victims, and authorities soon began following around Franklin to get his DNA and see if he was the suspected killer.

    California Attorney General Jerry Brown said it marked the first time in the nation that familial DNA had been used to break a case of such magnitude. He expects legal challenges but believes the case will hold up to the scrutiny.


  4. BeaverCleaver.jpg Gee Wally..... I sure hope that robber fella had his CCW permit, & that was a legally registered firearm he had without the serial numbers filed off, with the complete screening process done, & he wasn't illegally possessing all of it as a previously convicted felon :rolleyes:
    This all could have been avoided if there was proper signage prohibiting the carrying of concealed firearms.

    Most definitely.

  5. Hope the victim is okay.


    That's when he was approached by one or two men attempting to rob him.

    What the robbery suspects didn't know was the man they approached is an Iraq War veteran, has a gun permit and a loaded gun in the car.

    The attempted robbery victim fired at least three shots, some of them hitting the would-be robber in the mid-section.

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