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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Extra hour of sleep for me tonight. Cha ching
  2. You'd be better off to throw a hi-point at him!
  3. Yes it is free. Don't be fooled by it being in the "Chrome Web Store". I could be wrong, but I think all the extensions are free.
  4. I'm going to try this one and see how I like it. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock-plus/cfhdojbkjhnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb?hl=en-US
  5. chevysoldier

    New Toy

    Yeah, it would suck to brake the breaks on a new-to-you bike. Congrats on the new wheels.
  6. The one I use works really well and no other crap with it. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock/gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom?hl=en-US
  7. Sunday November 4th @ 2:00am. Don't forget to "fall" back an hour. That is all. Now back to your normally scheduled hookers and blow and general shenanigans.
  8. Using Gorilla Glue to reattach the fabric to the foam on the inside of a helmet results in heat, a little melting and smoke that burns the eyes.
  9. Chrome to phone, another good extension
  10. Been using chrome for a couple years. Love it. Extensions: IE tab, yahoo ad blocker, adblocker, gestures, webpage screen shot, few others that I can't rem right now.
  11. so weird I had to post http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO7MWuJ7zLA
  12. Since all the winterizing thread will be starting back up, thought I'd bump these to the top. lol
  13. Since all the winterizing thread will be starting back up, thought I'd bump these to the top. lol
  14. Since all the winterizing thread will be starting back up, thought I'd bump these to the top. lol
  15. Since all the winterizing thread will be starting back up, thought I'd bump these to the top. lol
  16. funny. Probably couldn't do that again if they tried 100 more times lol
  17. Glad you're ok. Bet that was a hell of a "shit your pants moment" lol, repped
  18. Is this thread really done? Maybe someone should bump it for the hell of it...oh wait...
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