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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. So yesterday I was standing outside on my front deck, wearing slippers, tshirt and shorts, watching the storm come in. Bike was sitting outside with the cover on it, kickstand was facing toward the storm. No sooner did the thought of "Either I should turn my bike around so the kick stand will help keep it up or maybe I should take it out back" went through my head when all of a sudden the wind picked up out of now and I watched my bike tip over. It seemed like it was in slow motion but I couldn't get to it in time to keep it upright. Now it's pouring rain and I am trying to get the cover off the bike so I can lift it back up. I'm tripping on my slippers and one falls off and gets blown away. (I found it today under a car not too far away.) Finally got the cover off, at this point I am soaked and have forgotten my phone is in my pocket but it ended up being ok. Never realized how heavy my bike is until it was laying on it's side. Well I got it upright, started it and pulled it around back. I put it in the corner of the house and my grill. I figure if it blew over again, it'd just lean up against the grill or building. Quick assessment showed a slightly bent right clip on and a scuff on the right fairing. Not too bad, still rideable. Earlier today, power had been out for nearly 24 hours and as many of you might be aware I have two fish tanks. One of witch is completely planted so it needs the lights. Well no electric means no lights, heaters, air pump or filters. Temperature stayed right on the mark so that's good. But I needed to get some light and filtration going to I got the car and hooked up my 350W power inverter. Couple of extension cords and I was able to rotate the tanks on it. I let them run for a couple hours before turning the car off. About an hour later I was sitting in the car charging my phone when my neighbor comes out and tells me power is back on. Awesome! So now tanks are back up and running and the AC is cooling the house down. Anyways, just a short rant of how it went for me.
  2. I'm for helmets, against mandating to wear them. But that's a different thread.
  3. Good friend of mine, yes rides Harleys, will only wear half helmets. His reasoning is a full face is heavy and the extra weight will cause the head to move more uncontrollably breaking the neck. The other reason is the chin guard could act like a lever snapping the head back and breaking the neck.
  4. Or just cut out that section of frame. Less weight= more power.
  5. PB blaster, heat, weld a nut on what's left and use a socket to remove.
  6. Now that we have crossed the line of the government mandating we buy something, all the stuff listed above is fair game.
  7. What else will they force us to buy now?
  8. That's it. Everyone is required by law to have a job. If you don't, you will be fined for not being able to make money.
  9. Different. You're not required to own a car.
  10. I'm on dyxum.com. its for Minolta and A mount bodies. They have "assignments" that you can do and the pros will pass/fail you. Lots of good info there but you cant shoot with any other brand. I know Canon and Nikon have sites dedicated to those bodies as well.
  11. I don't hold grudges. Its all good, thanks.
  12. Hes S4 in HHC 101st Combat Aviation BDE.
  13. I didn't know you can rent lenses. I hear primes are fun to work with.
  14. My brother in law is at Campbell. He's CO but not sure what unit. Heading to Afghanistan in August. Lol Wow, I feel the love around here. Lol Yeah that's bothered me. I would be at 9 years now. I'm thinking I wanna try MP since I have LE experience now. Id like something combat arms related, would love to go airborne or air assault. I wanna have more fun this time.
  15. lol. No, just isn't offering me what I need. That and I'm not 100% sure I want to deal with what goes along with it for the next 20-30 years.
  16. I always liked Velvet Ice Cream from Utica.
  17. I'll still try to hang out on the board, but may end up being less than I do now. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll have to see who can faithfully and dutifully carry on the role of grave digger. I've actually tossed the idea around of selling the FZR and getting a cruiser. Would suit me better while I am in.
  18. Always. Thanks man. You should come in too. Thanks man. If you weren't all the way over in Piqua, I'd go out for a beer with ya. And I don't think I'm that big of an asshole. Thanks dude. And chances of me selling my guns are slim to none. My dad'll hang on to them until I can get a couple out my duty station.
  19. Just letting you all know, I'll probably be leaving Ohio in the near future as I'm in the process of going back in the army. I should be in the reserves July 11th, go to school and get MOS (job) qualified and then transfer to active duty. Not sure on an exact time frame but hopefully soon. There is the possibility I might try to go full time reserves and be a recruiter for a couple years (I'll stay where I am at now), get some rank and then go back active. We'll see how it goes. I'll try and stay on the board but riding and going to events with you all will probably be near impossible. Even though my current job keeps me away quite a bit now anyways. I'll probably be throwing some stuff up here for sale so keep an eye out.
  20. My body, my choice. Gee, that a familiar phrase but it only applies to specific ideas I guess
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