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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. It just wasn't funny. Nor interesting. It actually bored me.

    I like story lines. From the hippies, to the goats, to the sheer stupidity, I lost interest.

    That sucks, I've kinda been looking forward to seeing it. I'll have to wait til it comes out on DVD then

  2. . I went and took courses 2 (over again) and level 3 for the first time. With all this talk about home defense... level 3 was awesome because they teach you firing from cover, slicing the pie in rooms, and you go through live fire houses engaging multiple targets. Definitely worth checking out!

    Where did you do this? This is something anyone can take, or job related?

  3. I appreciate the offer. If things don't go smoothly, I may have to take you up on that.

    I tried to use it one time on my military issue M-16 but the laser was off center. Since Likwid brought it up, I found it, stuck it in my 45 and think I have it centered pretty well.

    Whenever :D

  4. I took the bike to my shop to store for the winter. It was a hell of a cold ride at 5pm too. I'm planning on pulling the carbs, cleaning, syncing and just giving the whole bike a good work over. I also hope to fix some cracks in the plastics and repaint it. I still don't know what color(s) to paint it. If anyone has some good ideas, let me know.

    If it isn't all tore down and we get some decent days this winter, I'll take it out.


  5. i've got land.... hhaha

    I might be interested as well, depending on the day. I need to get some more rounds through my 45. I have a couple of places I can shoot, but need to meet some more of the OR community and explore different ammo. :D

  6. Okay, I got this off of Likwid's link. Since we were discussing farngible rounds I found this very interesting.


    "The second ammo was "9MM 85AFR, R2LP-Air Freedom Round". This round will "reduced over-penetration and reduced ricochet characteristics of these rounds are nothing short of revolutionary. Over-penetration is minimized as the complete energy of the AFR bullet, including the fragmented bullet itself are typically contained within the target. .... The ExtremeShock™ AFR round disintegrates when it hits hard targets such as many interior walls and airplane skins, but retains astonishing stopping power on organic targets." Additionally they say, "is the best choice for home or urban carry. The rounds frangible and reduced ricochet characteristics provide a greater level of safety. A miss on a target won't penetrate through several walls, and potentially injure a sleeping family member."

    "Lastly a round of ES-R2LP-Air Freedom Round. It penetrated 4 boards and bounced off the 5th."


    "We set up the box with a gallon of water first and followed by one "wall" of spaced drywall boards. This would indicate what happened if the rounds met resistance and then had a wall behind them."

    "It blew up the jug and then bounced off the "wall"."

    I put some highlights, but you really need to click the link.

  7. You are "Epic Fail" at pop culture trivia' date=' my friend.[/quote']

    Yeah, I guess i missed it. But seeing that apparently there are OR members that carry because it is cool, it is not far fetched to think those same people moght think the "double tap" as being ok. I don't follow pop culture trivia at all, there are better things to follow. :D

    Also, to add another source to your research, you MUST read this website if you're doing research on carry rounds and penetration.


    remember, your PERFECT round depends on situation (as walther and others have mentioned)....

    For most you want (in no particular order)

    expansion - will it expand the same EVERY time?

    penetration - will it penetrate through clothing and NOT exit the BG's body (anything with an exit wound means your round had too much power, that energy beyond your target is wasted kinetic energy, and a liability risk)

    reliability - If the round won't fire, or loads improperly it's worthless and dangerous

    Generally the "perfect round" depends highly on your needs and your weapon... but I'd argue there is no such thing as "the perfect" round.

    Cool link Likwid.

  8. chevy.......I enjoy a spirited debate. I am sorry if you interpreted my post as an attack.

    It's all good. Like I said, I'm just trying to evaluate ALL my options and decide which one will be best for me, like everyone else should do. One gun, one type of ammo, one holster...does not cover all situations. And yes, a shotgun is on my "to buy next" list. :D

    Just so everyone is clear... Rule #2: The Doubletap. You think it’s dead (technically it was before you shot it)' date=' one more makes 100% sure.[/quote']

    Which is also illegal. Both by ROE and the Ohio Law. Once the threat is gone, you can't shoot anymore. Now if he's laying on the ground, you go to check him to be sure, he suddenly draws on you again, by all means shoot him. But if he doesn't and you pop one in his head, ballistics will show you were negligent and then you are at fault.

  9. I would never shoot at an attacker whose back was to a room occupied by a loved one. I don't give a shit what kinda bullet you chose if you miss that bullet will pass thru the wall into the next room. So your argument about shooting a guy against your one year olds room is ridiculous. I would never risk my childs life. I would move myself to an angle for a safer shot.

    I have a million dollar personal liability policy plus the NRA protection as well. Just trying to get the OR carrying group to think about carrying a firearm beyond it is cool.

    First off, it isn't my one year olds room, it's the neighbors. And by your rational, this gives me two shooting positions, perpendicular to the front and towards the rear of the apartment. Now seeing as I can't tell the bad guy to stand where I can get a safe shot at him I need to consider the possiblity that I may have to take a shot at him with his back to a room that I don't know who is in it. Hence my question about frangible rounds. You also have no idea of how my apartment is set up either. You can say you would move to have a better shot but what happens if the intruder sneaks up on you in the middle of the night and you grab your gun just in time to point it at him and squeeze? There are a million scenarios out there. By living where I do, for home defense, I am seriously considering frangible rounds. Now if I get a house in the boonies, yeah standard hollow points.

    And no I dont have guns to be cool. I lhave them because I value my life and the lives of my family.

    And yes likwid, I did kind of turn this into HD ammo choices, as this wasnt my choice but is a concern.

  10. Which is why carrying FMJ ammunition in your handgun is irresponsible and dangerous. The hollow point is designed to expand on impact thus causing the most internal damage possible. Sometimes the percussion alone is enough to drop an attacker.

    Take a small stone and drop it in a pond. Then' date=' take a large rock and drop it in a pond. Which one causes the most wake? The same theory is applied to the human body. Internal organs are mostly water. Simply penetrating a lung may not stop a threat, but if a giant chunk of that lung were to be shoved into the heart, stomach, kidney, etc. you just might drop an assailant quicker. Stop trying to rationalize against physics. The FMJ is a terrible choice for a carry round.[/quote']

    Right, I understand that about FMJ. My biggest question is fangible vs. standard hollow points.

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