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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. I've read where some juries in self defense casees have ruled against individuals that carried high powered ammo. They say it suggests you intended to make a "kill" rather than just defending yourself. Good article in Handgun Magazine. But I agree with the above.

    You have a link to the article? I'm interested in reading it. I think it's BS a jury would think like that, but interesting nonetheless.

  2. At first I thought he was shooting at the yellow targets that looked like they were 20 yards away. I thought, that sure doesn't look like 230 yards to me. Impressive though.

    LoL Thats what I first thought too. Then I looked at the angle of the gun, and when they finally zoomed in I was like "Ah HA!"

  3. That was quick, ~1 week turn around.

    Now licensed to carry in Pennsylvania, gotta go read up on the laws for PA, got a wedding there next week.

    How much was it? What was your process? I am going to the inlaws for Christmas, and was looking into getting the PA non-res. I have to wait for my OH CHL to come back. I am hoping if as soon as I get my OH CHL, I can send in for my PA and get it back in time.

  4. Oh no no no, sorry, that's not what I meant at all.

    We're justified to use deadly force with self defense, but only until the threat is gone. Someone breaks into my house and I think they're going to seriously harm me or my wife you're right, I'm shooting.... I was simply saying, if you missed or hit them in the leg and they ran away, you can't shoot them in the back since the threat is gone.

    My whole point is just that it doesn't matter what ammo you carry, someone trying to paint a picture will use that. You carry frangible they'll say you wanted to make them suffer, you carry FMJ they'll say you don't care about what's beyond your target, you carry HP and they'll say you're looking to cause as much damage .... etc etc etc

    I agree not to use frangible rounds, a quality HP is all you need.

    Ok, tracking. We are on the same page.

    I had mentioned earlier the magsafe rounds. they are very safe for home defense. Low recoil and wall penetration. Massive kinetic energy dump. I want to shoot the bad guy, not the neighbor in the next room. That is a big concern. So why are you against frangible ammo?

  5. Just to be clear, there is a difference between "deadly force" and "justified homicide" ...

    My point is, Im not going to shoot the guy in the leg to stop him just because I am worried what could happen if I kill him. I am authorized to use deadly force to protect my life and if the force I use ends up being deadly, then so be it. I will not lose sleep at night.

  6. The law describes something called "deadly force" If someone is a threat to my life or my families lives, I will use deadly force. Right now I only have Law Enforcement Hollow points but am looking into Magsafe ammo. Two bucks a round, but what is your life worth?

    "In controlled tests with .357 law enforcement loads, the 10 mm used by the FBI, and other hollow points, MagSafe .380 ACP beat 'em all! Fragments to penetrate... so it's safer, without ricochets. Handcrafted to precise specs, making it accurate and reliable."

    I have seen the damage these rounds will do to a watermelon, which I have been told is comparable to the human body as far as seeing how the ammo damages it. Very cool.

  7. and seriously.. malicious intent?

    if some points a gun if in your face with intent to harm, you are protecting yourself. of course you intend put them down. whats the purpose of conceal carry if you cant protect yourself. shouldnt matter what round you use. that would be like saying using a 10mm is malicious intent. should have carried a 38 instead

    Yep. Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6 right?

    Nice Glock though. I had looked at them but didn't like how they felt in my hand.

  8. I haven't read hardly any of this thread, but when I was in the Army we had guys who couldn't pass the run portion of their PT test. We started running with our flak jackets and after 2 or 3 weeks, guys were shaving minutes off of their 2 mile run times. So you could always grab a back pack and throw some weights/phone books inside and go run, hills are always good too. Have fun!

  9. Welcome Home

    TSgt Mark Groves, 46

    Columbus, Ohio



    Returning from the Sandbox


    Bellacino’s Pizza & Grinders

    4926 Morse Road

    Columbus, Ohio

    06 December 2009@ 1400hrs-(2:00pm)


    Bellacino’s Pizza & Grinders

    06 December 2009@1300hrs-(1:30pm)

    TSgt Groves is returning from Iraq and he told his wife he wants a Bellacino’s pizza as soon as his plane lands. So this will be a surprise mission for him. I am thinking they might get there a little early that is why we are staging at the posted time. They will be coming from Port Columbus Airport which is not to far.

    District #5 Captain John Perry is assigned this welcome home mission. Please follow his instructions and remember to dress per the weather conditions and bring your 3x5 American Flags. In the event of inclement weather please use your own judgment on how you get to the mission.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders

  10. im suprised the amount of people that are hating on a "timeline". you act like its going to be this huge secret wehn troops are coming home. ill fuck a sheep if someone can withdraw 150,000 troops and combat equipment from a place the size of texas without anyone noticing...

    not to mention that without a timeline, there is no urgency. in my AO right now, nobody (except the very few insurgents) wants us to leave. we provide security, bridges, roads, microgrants to start businesses...you think leaving like a ghost in the night is going to leave them in a good spot when they expect us to come to work in the morning? these motherfuckers are lazy. its coming to a stark reality when were gone and they might actually have to run their own country, so we should leave them off as best we can. how can we do that without giving them an ultimatum?

    Timelines are fine (in secret and tweakable), but you cannot tell Iraq the day all troops will be gone. I don't think anyone here is believing a immediate withdraw in the middle of the night is gonna happen/a good thing. But to Pin point a day to leave is bad business. You do that and the bad guy only has to survive until that day, then open shop again.

  11. Air Force One over New York wasn't Obama's doing. Not sure how you can pin that on him.

    It's his first year in office after a rather ummm.. active Bush presidency. You don't think the media is going to be all over him no matter what he does. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't on both sides. Seems like petty crap to me.

    Of course Bush's visit on Thanksgiving in 2003 had to be planned in secret. It's not exactly stable over there. He took a risk and went. Props to him for that. ...or I could be like you guys and say, 'Wow I noticed all the photos of him over there. Nice photo op to look like a good guy after sending troops over to die in a needless war.' :rolleyes: Give me a break.

    There has to be a timeline. It's golden rule of doing anything. If you want to have a chance to succeed, you have to set a target date. It doesn't matter if it's installing a new toilet or major military operation. Setting a date for completion is a golden rule for being able to plan for success. Otherwise no one is in a hurry to get anything done. That's especially true when you have to rely on a third party, in this case Afghanistan, to do something. Without a timeline there would be zero incentive to do anything. No target date means never having to be finished. Not setting a date also shows poor planning and lack of confidence in execution.

    Now if we don't jump in someone's shit after that date has come to pass with no real reason for missing it...I'll be pissed as hell.

    The Whitehouse represents the president. Airforce one represents the president. If he and his people were worth a shit, they would have seen this was a bad idea from the get go. How was this not a publicity stunt for his presidency?

    "At 4:39 p.m. Monday, the White House issued an apology for the flyover. Louis E. Caldera, director of the White House Military Office, who served in the Clinton administration as secretary of the Army, said in a statement:

    Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibility for that decision. While federal authorities took the proper steps to notify state and local authorities in New York and New Jersey, it’s clear that the mission created confusion and disruption. I apologize and take responsibility for any distress that flight caused.

    The mission on Monday, officials said,
    was set up to create an iconic shot of Air Force One, similar to one that was taken in recent years over the Grand Canyon."

    And if you give them a time line, are you so naive to think they will not hide out for that time period while regrouping and when we leave, come out and start it again? There should be a timeline given to the generals but it should be something to the such as " I want to be out by 2011, what do we need to do to make that happen?" Then they toss it around and say , "No 2011 can't happen but maybe 2012" . And then that is kept secret, not broadcast to everyone and their mother. You can't have timelines in war.

  12. I'm not even sure that makes any sense. So basically you don't know if he actually did or not either. You heard something, somewhere at sometime? As many people that like to make the Bush meeting in private claim you would think there would be a bit more out there to reference.

    Clinton and Gore are't nobodies and are both still very active. Gore admittedly is a bit of a nut though. Bush however is done for politically. Bush Sr even has a little political life left him.

    Backing up a lil to one of your earlier posts where I didnt answer your question. Everything Obama has done has been a photo op. Look at 9/11 flying a plane over NYC. That was well thought out.

    And I found this, but could only copy a snippet, it wouldnt open the whole link.

    President Bush secretly traveled to Baghdad and paid a surprise Thanksgiving Day visit to U.S. troops on Thursday in a bid to boost the morale of forces in Iraq amid mounting casualties." ... "In an elaborate plan to ensure his security in the tense Iraqi capital, Bush slipped away from his Texas ranch on Wednesday night, arrived in Iraq on Thursday and spent 2-1/2 hours with the troops before flying back to the United States."

  13. Wait so how do you know Obama hasn't gone in secret? :lol:

    So your source is http://www.current-movie-reviews.com and it's dated November 10, 2009. That's how long after he's been out of office?

    I said it was recent. Clinton, Gore still made publicity stunts even after they were no bodies. Do you hear anything more about Bush? If it was a minor leak, it's gonna be hard to cite sourse. But you must have been in a cave when it happened.

  14. You tell me how many times Bush went without any media. Feel free to cite your sources.

    Thats just it, there isnt many sources beacuse he didn't do it for publicity. Here this is recent:


    "Former President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush made a surprise and unannounced visit to the families and victims of the recent Fort Hood Terrorist Attack. The former President instructed the Commander at Fort Hood that there would be NO publicity of this visit"

  15. Every president gives speeches at places that show some tie to the speech given...

    I guess every president only does things for photo ops then...

    Do you know how many times Bush went and visited wounded troops, without cameras present? Not saying he didn't do photo ops, but that is all Obama has done.

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